Friday, May 17, 2013

Why You Should Be Able to Eat Skin Care Products!

Can you swallow your facial skin care products?

You're probably thinking what an idiotic sounding question this is but as you read through this article you will come to realize how pertinent it is if you purchase skin care products.

Are you aware that you shouldn't trust skin care manufacturers and their remarkable sounding marketing claims. The biggest industry secret which they definitely don't want to become widespread knowledge is that their products can put you at risk for potentially damaging long term side effects because of a number of chemicals they use in their formulas. This absolutely includes the well-known, big brand names.

If their manufacturing shortcuts and secrets became extensively known, their profits would take a hit. Once you know the specifics about the unsafe ingredients they use, you will see exactly what health dangers and risks you're up against.


So, the first question to look at here is why do virtually all well known companies insist on using hazardous chemicals in their products?

I'm sure you can guess! As always it comes down to money. Huge base line profits! Your well-being and protection comes in a far-away second to their multi million dollar profits. This is largely because of shareholder pressures (ie. GREED!) Skin care companies manufacture to a prearranged price - and this is the core of the problem! The scientists and chemists who put together their products do not get a free hand in selecting ALL the very best and most efficient ingredients. They are set an upper budget cutoff point and they must formulate within that budget! This results in the inclusion of much cheaper chemicals in place of natural options and pitifully insignificant dose amounts of the truly effective active ingredients.

Here's a case in point: One of the industry's giants, an 'elite' brand (it starts with the letter 'C') uses a shocking chemical in their facial skin care formulas which is classified as a pesticide. It's called TRICLOSAN - an anti-bacterial chemical which kills dangerous organisms on the skin BUT also destroys helpful bacteria! There is clinical data to indicate triclosan may be a factor to creating strains of bacteria that are unaffected by antibiotics since it is so broadly used in beauty products.

Why would any of us let a chemical used in weed killers be absorbed into our bodies!

Here's a bold statement! Skin care products should be pure enough to eat! Without a doubt (from a consumers point of view) this should be the minimum standard for the manufacturers and companies. It definitely should be one of your foremost criteria when choosing anti aging skin care products. Always try to keep this in mind: the active ingredients in skin care products ARE adsorbed into your bloodstream! That simply means it's equivalent to eating them!

Of course it's more costly to use naturally sourced options. Sourcing high-quality, 100% natural moisturizing oils, vegetable-based waxes and silicones, reparative proteins, antioxidants, vitamins and plant extracts are radically more expensive. Shareholder pressures in the huge multi nationals just don't allow the fully natural alternative to have a look in. They are thoroughly focused on maintaining and growing their incredibly excessive profit margins.


This is an extremely important issue to understand. Have you ever taken a really good look at the ingredients list on an "All Natural" anti aging facial skin care product? Regardless of the 'All Natural' claims, there's a number of pretty frightening and completely chemical sounding names in those lists. But the skin care company may not actually be lying to you so let me explain.

Ingredients are listed using their INCI names which is an international scientific classification for all ingredients. This allows for consistency from product to product and allows consumers to easily compare ingredients across brands. INCI stands for "International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients." So, naturally sourced ingredients listed using their INCI name can and do sound like chemicals even though they are not.

But the INCI name can be misleading! It does not differentiate between an ingredient that is derived from petroleum and another which is derived from a natural plant source if the end substance broadly has a similar structure.

Use this ingredient as a clear example: 'Glycerine.' It's used in skin care formulas as a humectant. Now, what you absolutely want is natural plant based glycerine. But most companies use petroleum-based glycerine because it's significantly cheaper. Plant based glycerine is completely safe to consume. Who wants petroleum-based glycerine absorbed into their body? SKIN CARE PRODUCTS AND YOUR SAFETY

Clearly, you need to be very particular with the skin care products you choose to use. The bottom line when looking at competing brands is that you consider both purity (ie. No chemicals whatsoever - safe enough to eat) AND efficacy (number and dose amount of most important active ingredients.)

The kind of skin care company you should buy from is the type who orders their formulators to put together the very best formulas possible that actually work and are totally safe enough to eat, and which prices their products sensibly according to the cost of manufacture while settling for a fair profit. Unfortunately it's a big ask these days! While there are companies like that out there the depressing reality is that there are not many and finding them is difficult.

That's where my insider advice can save you a lot of time (and money!) I worked for a skin care product manufacturer so I understand all the industry secrets. I've reviewed hundreds of skin care products. Click the links in the author resource section below and I'll guide you to some brilliant anti aging skin care products whose all natural formulas have 2-3 times more actives than most skin care companies (especially the elite brands) cost around a third of the expensive major brands (and if you want to eat them you'll be quiet safe!)

Brett Seagrott is the author of
Visit Brett's site to learn about little known truths from the anti aging skin care industry. Learn what to look for in anti aging skin care products so you can zero in on the safest, most effective products with high value for money, backed up by the knowledge of which dangerous ingredients you must absolutely avoid.

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