Sunday, May 12, 2013

Anti-Aging Skin Care Routines - Good Daily Habits Can Go A Long Way In Improving Looks Of Skin

As we age, our skin comes right along with us, aging too. We are very fortunate to be living in a time when so much research is being done in the cosmetic research field that is proving beneficial. New aging skin care products are coming on the market almost daily, it seems, together with new techniques for maintaining and rejuvenating the skin.

Our skin cells are growing and dying all the time. This is a natural cyclical process that begins with birth and continues until we die. It is inevitable, and can't be stopped. Anti-aging is the science of slowing aging and allowing us to stay healthy and fit for longer periods than we ever had in the past.

Skin In The Aging Process

On average, depending on skin type, genetics, lifestyle, exposure to sun and pollutants, signs of aging begin to appear between the ages of twenty and thirty. People with fair, thin skin show their age earlier than those with darker, thicker skin.

There are many things that accelerate aging skin. One of the biggest culprits is the sun. As recently as a couple of decades ago, it was believed that you could tan safely. But, we know now that any exposure of the skin to the sun's ultraviolet rays starts to produce cumulative damage. In addition to premature wrinkles, exposure to sun may cause the development of abnormal cell growth that can lead to skin cancer. Exposure to the sun is a year-round hazard, and a good moisturizer with an SPF of 15 should be a regular part of your aging skin care routine.

What Steps To Take to Slow Aging

Three important steps to help you age with good health and grace include:

1. Healthy Diet - Eat a diet that consists mainly of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Because of changes in growing methods, distances our foods travel from the farm to our dinner table, and cooking methods, it is inevitable that the vitamin levels in our diets have declined sharply. This is a compelling reason to include daily intakes of vitamin supplements.

Vitamins, minerals and other natural ingredients can now be found in many physician developed or recommended aging skin care products. Look for these ingredients that impact the skin when you are buying aging skin care products: Vitamins A, E, and C; copper, and, of course, green tea extract.

2. Avoid The Sun - In addition to what was previously discussed, you must realize that a certain amount of exposure to the sun is necessary for the body to properly process Vitamin D for bone health.

3. Moisturizing and Exfoliating - The older you get, the more you need to exfoliate. As you remove the older top layer of skin, a new, softer, smoother layer is revealed. As with most everything else in our bodies, this renewal process which usually occurs every three weeks, slows down as we get older, so we need to give it a boost. Be sure you use an exfoliating product that is not rough or harsh, and recommended for your skin type.

After exfoliating, use a good quality moisturizer also formulated for your skin type. In fact, make moisturing day and night a part of your daily anti-aging routine skin care to keep your skin looking its best.

Following the anti-aging tips given here for your skin and health will go a long way in helping you look and feel good no matter what age you are.

Shirley Peel is a webmaster and author of many articles on skin care. Get lots more information about anti-aging skin care at Sign up for our free skin care ecourse.

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