Saturday, August 10, 2013

Vitamin C - What Vitamin C Can Do For Facial Skin Care

Vitamin C for Aging Skin

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is one most preferred and widely used ingredients in facial skin care. The efficacy of Vitamin C as an antioxidant and for skin rejuvenation is backed by various studies, and many women who have used Vitamin C products can vouch for it's effectiveness. The skin care market now has many popular products with Vitamin C - validating the merits of this ingredient as a wrinkle reducer, wrinkle preventer, skin rejuvenator as well as a collagen builder.

Vitamin C has become well known for its natural antioxidant properties. Effective at helping to fight free-radical damage and promoting healthy facial skin care, Vitamin C helps restore health and hydration to sensitive facial skin while promoting new, health cell development.

Benefits of a Vitamin C for the Skin

Collagen as we all know it is a key structural protein of the skin and this where vitamin C plays an important role. Ascorbic acid is vital for collagen synthesis. When vitamin C is added to fibroblasts (culture of skin cells), collagen synthesis is greatly enhanced. Most importantly, Vitamin C plays the role of a potent and highly effective antioxidant which means that it can effectively combat free radicals. So when used in the right concentration and in a stabilized form, a Vitamin C Seum can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines as well as enhance the overall texture and tone of the skin.

Tips for buying the right Vitamin C Product

For a vitamin C product to be topically effective, it is imperative that it is formulated in a concentrated form (10% or more) and is bottled well in order to avoid oxidation of the ingredient which could have reverse effects on the skin. So it is advisable to opt for a company that is credible and trustworthy and also take note of the expiration date and proper storage of the product.

While Vitamin C alone cannot help achieve the desired results; incorporating a vitamin product to your skin care regimen is like taking it a step further for enhanced results and as a preventive measure towards facial skin care. There are various vitamin C derivatives that are utilized in the vitamin C formulations and it is important to opt for one that is more stable, less irritating for the skin and can boost collagen production.

For facial skin care, a Vitamin C Serum packs a powerful punch. Not only does it provide natural antioxidants to help protect against premature skin aging, it also promotes collagen and elastin production that helps to develop healthy skin with improved elasticity. A great combination for facial skin care rejuvenation.

Skin Energizer is one of the leading online skin care retailers for Vitamin C Serum, skin care rejuvenation, targeted solutions - anti wrinkle, anti aging, acne, antioxidants, rashes, cellulite, spider veins, sunburn relief and facial skin care.

Are There 100% Pure Skin Care Creams?

Is difficult to find 100% pure skin care creams, your can't believe the claims of most manufacturers, but if you want natural skin care creams there are some that have been getting great reviews.

There is a cosmetic safety database called Skin Deep, there you can find our what does each product really contain, many products have been evaluated but there are always new ones that are still not listed. The fact is that in the United States there is a lack of regulation in skin care products, many companies say that their products are 100% pure while they haven't been tested for safety.

You can find pure skin care creams but they are just a handful and usually not found in the United States or common retail stores. In my research I have found of one company that actually uses an holistic skin care approach in all their products, they don't include any harsh chemicals or synthetic ingredients in their creams. is a company from the Island of New Zealand and is one of the few that have created pure organic health supplements for many years and now has released a new skin care line made of the finest natural anti aging ingredients in the market.

Other companies that sell skin care products in aggressively are only using cheap chemicals, allergens and other substances that are absorbed by the skin through our blood causing health and skin problems.

Forget about products with artificial fragrances, mineral oils, alcohol, parabens, petrolatum, etc. those kind of substances are no good for your skin and can produce secondary effects such as irritation, redness, dryness and more.

An holistic skin care approach requires that you also understand that your body and skin need proper care, you need to keep your skin hydrated drinking water, avoid substances that dry your skin, eat foods rich in vitamins and protect your skin from the sun. Click Here to Discover the Most Effective Skin Care creams that reduce Stretch Marks, scars and Unwanted Wrinkles. Visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

Unearthing the Details on Basic Skin Care Information

Did you know that you do not need to dig in the earth to obtain important skin care information? Yet you do need to do some digging to obtain the source of one possible ingredient for a vitalizing product. Are you curious to know what that ingredient is? If so, then read the skin care info in this article.

Meanwhile, keep in mind that a lack of online skin care information did not keep your mother or grandmother from finding and using effective skin care products. In fact, even ancient civilizations recognized the extent to which certain plants could contribute to the implementation of good care practices. Some of that ancient knowledge has made its way into our modern-day, online skin care info.

Check out, for example, the online information about Echinacea, green tea and ginseng. According to the posted information on some websites, those three plants contain substances that can help to treat infections, boost the body's immune system and provide the body with a valuable energy reserve.

Some products that can furnish the body with a vital skin care treatment enhance or stimulate the natural biochemistry of the skin cells. Some of those products contain beta carotene. Biochemists count on diggers to provide them with a common source of beta carotene. That source is Bugs Bunny's favorite food-the carrot.

Biochemical reactions in endothelial cells manage to convert beta carotene into Vitamin A. Vitamin A has antioxidant properties. Vitamin A helps to repair damage caused by free radicals in the skin.

Selenium, too, helps to protect the skin. Like beta carotene, selenium plays a role in the completion of a certain enzymatic reaction, a reaction that changes the biochemistry of the skin. Whenever cells on the outermost part of the body contain selenium, then those cells can not be harmed by exposure to ultra violet rays. Skin that contains sufficient amounts of selenium has a decreased chance for developing skin cancer.

While it is good to know all of the above skin care information, no thinking user of skin care treatments would fail to tell a physician that he or she depended on healthful supplements. If a physician does not know all the relevant skin care info about a patient, he or she might prescribe a medication that could interact with a particular supplement. Such an interaction could produce unwanted health problems.

Of course, not all skin care products contain supplements. Some have substances that can stimulate skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. Why should older adults give serious thought to using such a product?

Collagen and elastin are proteins, proteins that can be found in all healthy skin cells. Because collagen has fiber-like characteristics, it acts like a tight rope inside a cell. It makes the cell strong and firm.

Yet aging cells often loose their ability to make collagen. In the absence of collagen, such cells begin to wrinkle and sag. An effective treatment for those aging cells would stimulate the production of collagen. Such a treatment would also need to stimulate the production of elastin.

Like collagen, elastin is a protein. Whenever cells contain an adequate amount of elastin, those cells display a natural flexibility. When cells containing elastin become pulled or stretched then those cells have the ability to return to their original position on the body.

The most important skin care information in this article concerns the best source of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin made within in a living cell is most apt to determine the characteristics of that cell. By using a skin care aid that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, one can restore the lost characteristics of the skin, the characteristics that give it a "youthful glow."

Laurel is a dedicated researcher of skin care health and products. She shares her research on her website - If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines and damaged skin, visit now to learn about the skin care line Laurel personally recommends.

5 Big Mistakes to Avoid While Looking For the Best Men Skin Care Products

It is a fact that choosing the appropriate men skin care products can be a daunting task when we look at the hundreds of alternatives available. We need expert knowledge to know what is best for our skin. This article would give you crystal clarity on just that.

Most of the guys fail to find out what is the best natural skin care for men. These are some of the reasons -

1) They look for the cheapest products and totally ignore the ingredients contained within.

2) They purchase men skin care products at departmental stores or local pharmacies without doing any research of any kind.

3) They get carried off by TV ads which make very huge promises and then under deliver in reality.

4) They just buy products on the basis of popular brand names - without carefully looking at the ingredients.

5) And, one common reason why they fail to find the appropriate men skin care products is that they are unaware of the basic and fundamental causes of skin aging.

Without this essential knowledge, their endeavors are bound to fail. Here are some of the major reasons for skin aging -

a) Loss of Collagen and Elastin - These are the two important structural proteins in our body. They can also be called youth giving proteins for skin. They make the skin firm, supple, pliant and elastic. As we age, their production in our body slows down. This causes wrinkles, fine lines, saggy skin and uneven skin complexion to appear.

b) Drop in the balance of Hyaluronic Acid - It is the "glue" that binds the collagen and elastin fibers together and keeps the skin tight.

c) Free Radical damage - They play havoc in the body and destroy the skin cells and tissues. This causes premature skin aging.

You need to look for such ingredients in natural skin care for men that solve all the above three issues. That would give you the best solution for all your skin problems.

Visit my website to find out about such amazing natural ingredients that you should look out for in the most effective men skin care products that can give you a young, attractive and naturally glowing skin.

Anand Kumar Dulhanomal is a Natural Healthcare Expert and a passionate advocate of natural skin care. His website provides a wealth of information on what works and what doesn't work in Anti-aging skincare to achieve a young, beautiful and vibrant skin.

Acne Skin Care Basics

When you have an acne outbreak, do you know how to take care of your skin? Unknowingly, many people tend to use acne skin care methods that aggravate their present condition further. Take for example the notion that a patient must seriously scrub his face to take away dirt. Is this the correct way for acne skin care? Not quite. Here is the scoop.

First, it is important to understand the cause of acne before knowing what acne skin care measures to use. Acne is neither a direct result of dirt or uncleanness. However, your acne problems worsen when dirt mixes with sebum and other skin debris to create a mixture which may settle in the pus of the pustules.

Medically speaking, acne is caused by many internal body factors such as a weak immune and digestive system, impaired internal detoxification system, and stress. Outside influences like weather elements, pollutants, humidity and the bacteria thriving on the human skin contribute to aggravate your acne. Ultimately, all these factors may not have effectively produced acne if it were not for the "Propionibacterium acnes", which digest excess sebum. The effect results in inflammation, swelling and pain.

It is not easy to pin point the cause of acne on your own. It is best to solicit the help of a dermatologist to help you determine the cause of your acne and to recommend an appropriate acne treatment. Notwithstanding, there are a couple of tips on proper acne skin care that you should be aware of.

The first step to good acne skin care is to minimize the sebum production to a level to sustain normal skin. However, in most cases, to treat acne, more needs to be done.

If skin oiliness persist, it is best to keep the pores open. The principle behind this acne care is to release the clogs in the pores and wash them out. The only way to achieve this is to wash the face with extremely hot water. Repeat this procedure to help repel skin bacteria.

It is also recommended that you do not zealously wash your face with harsh scrubs or cleansers. By doing this, you may only aggravate the severity of your acne. Actually, washing your face gently two times a day is enough.

In terms of acne skin care products, choose the ones that work best best for you. Select the acne care product that gently clears away the oil and dirt without leaving your skin dry and irritated. In fact, ,mild acne care works best for all skin types. This will require some trials and consequently, some errors.

It is best to trust your dermatologist recommendation first. If his recommended product does not work, then shift to other acne skin care products. This way, you are experimenting with acne care products that may suit you best. It is important to note that during your first applications, use small amounts on a small area so that any damage is at best limited.

Also, avoid alcohol-based cleansers as these may only dry out your skin. Dry skin is more vulnerable to serious acne outbreaks. On the other hand, minimize the use of oil-based products as these in themselves may add up to the pre-existing oil content of the skin. At any rate, an acne patient must avoid applying cosmetics, however oil-free they may appear to be.

Proper acne skin care methods can go a long way to help you in your acne problems. Good diet and lifestyle habits are other measures that you can also adopt for better glowing skin. Good luck!

Kathelene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. Her site includes useful information on acne remedy, natural skin care, natural remedies for skin care and anti-aging. She also has step- by-step recipes for skin care that you can prepare from ingredients right out from your kitchen! Get updated on tips and resources at

2 Shocking Ingredients to Avoid in Skin Care Moisturizer Cream Before It's Too Late

A properly chosen skin care moisturizer cream can work wonders for your skin's health and beauty. But if you choose the wrong skin care cream, you could end up ruining it. Here is your guide on how to avoid that mistake.

The two most commonly abused chemical substances in skin care creams are parabens and mineral oils. There is a consensus among dermatologists that the use of these synthetic substances should be banned from these products.

1) Parabens -- They are preservatives used in moisturizer creams. They help in improving the shelf life of the products. They are proven carcinogens and have shown to cause cancerous breast tumors!

Although there are safer alternatives for preservatives such as vitamin E, parabens still find widespread use in skin care creams because they are cheap. They are used in these forms -- methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl parabens.

2) Mineral oils -- Another chemical substance that is widely abused in moisturizer creams is mineral oils. They are used as a substitute for natural moisturizing oils. They provide a temporary moisturization effect on the skin, but they ruin the natural oil balance and make it excessively dry after the moisturizing effects wear down.

They are used in these forms -- petrolatum, liquid paraffin and paraffin wax. Mineral oils clog the skin's pores and prevent it from breathing freely. The toxins remain within and lead to acne breakouts, allergies, irritation, rashes and photosensitivity. All this leads to premature aging of skin.

Be careful that the skin care moisturizer cream that you look for doesn't contain these hazardous chemical substances. They won't do any good for your skin, but on the contrary they will ruin it and make it worse than before.

The skin composition of men and women is very different. You should look out for these special natural ingredients while looking for the appropriate cream for yourself -

Men's skin care creams should contain Capuacu butter. It is very effective in healing sunburns and razor injuries. This is because men shave their faces almost daily and are prone to skin inflammation.

Women's skin care cream should contain passion fruit (Maracuja) extract. It is one of the best emollients and gives a soft, creamy and radiant skin.

Visit my website to find out more of such amazing natural ingredients that you should look out for in the best skin care moisturizer cream and what harmful substances you should avoid, so that you can achieve a young, beautiful and a naturally glowing skin.

Vijay Raisinghani is a Natural Healthcare Expert and a passionate advocate of natural skin care. His website provides a wealth of information on what works and what doesn't work in Anti-aging skincare to achieve a young, beautiful and vibrant skin.

Friday, August 9, 2013

100% Pure Skin Care - The True Story That the Experts Don't Want You to Know!

A 100% pure skin care is what we all look for our most valued and treasured possession - Our skin. Skincare that is based on medicinally tested herbal components is what makes up the hidden secrets of the best holistic skincare achievable.

When people look for a 100% pure skin care, they are in fact searching for a organic and holistic skincare. Herbal skincare is definitely a better way of holistic skincare as compared to using synthetic and chemical therapies of skincare.

But, in in the real world there is not even a single 100% pure skin care merchandise. And it is not even desired to be that way. A 100% pure skin care product will mean a solution made from the natural materials from plant lives and herbs with no processing at all.

The secret of organic holistic skincare is that the best of both worlds - Science and Nature, is taken and mixed to make the most effective 100% pure skin care product. How is this accomplished?

It is a tested fact that the selection of a plant that has curative anti-aging attributes works much more efficaciously as compared to using the whole plant. And secondly, instead of using the natural extract, clinical results have showed that the complete product reached after scientific processing presents much more enhanced results in holistic skincare.

So, the strength of natural substances can be enhanced much more by medicinally processing them. Hence, holistic skincare is the most effective way for natural and balanced skin care and in fact, we can call it as 100% pure skin care.

Now, while you seek for the holistic skincare products or 100% pure skin care products, these are the damaging substances (chemicals) that you should avoid at any price -

1) Parabens - These are a category of preservatives applied in skin care products. They are well-known to stimulate cancer. Skin care product makers use parabens to increase the shelf life of their products and to attain fatter profits. But as end users, you pay the heavy price, as these harmful substances find their way to your blood stream and tissues, as topical cream substances are almost "ingested" by your skin.

2) Fragrances - A 100% pure skin care product should not contain artificial fragrances. Although they are used to produce a good smell in the holistic skincare products, you should keep off them because but they cause a lot of harm like skin allergies, aggravation and also adversely impact the performance of the central nervous system. This is because they are manufactured from harmful chemicals.

A holistic skincare product must be prepared up only of pure natural ingredients that have been clinically processed. Also, the potency of these natural ingredients should be fully scientifically proven.

Some powerful organic ingredients that you must search for in the world-class holistic skincare product are -

1) Cynergy TK - This is an wonderful cutting edge natural substance from New Zealand. It is rich in functional keratin, which is the identical form of keratin obtained in our body. Its most incomparable quality is that it helps in assisting the natural production of collagen and elastin in our body. Keratin works in concert with these vital skin proteins to give us a tender and glowing skin.

Collagen and Elastin are the two key skin proteins in our body that present us a firm, graceful and elastic skin. As we age, their yield in the body retards, and that is the cause of showing up of wrinkles, saggy skin and other skin aging issues. Cynergy TK is one the greatest holistic skincare solutions to forestall the troubles of skin aging and give young skin naturally.

2) Phytessence Wakame - This is an selection of a wonderworking Japanese sea kelp. It is also devoured as a nutrient in Japan. It is one of the greatest kept skin care anti aging mysteries of Japan. Phytessence Wakame works very well in giving soft elegant velvety skin. It is an effective antioxidant and forestalls free radical damage. It is not a wonder then why Japanese women age so gracefully!

Hence a 100% pure skin care shall comprise of such lab tested proven balanced natural elements. It should also be made up of a good diet regimen like lot of green leafy vegetables, high protein containing diets like fish and taking lots of purified water.

Visit my web site for a comprehensive look at what detrimental substances you should avoid and what secret natural substances you should look for in the world-class holistic skincare. That is the key to pleasant, radiant and young skin which many yearn for, but only a couple of lucky ones enjoy.

Vijay Raisinghani is a Natural Healthcare Expert and a passionate advocate of natural skin care. His website provides a wealth of information on what works and what doesn't work in Anti-aging skincare to achieve a young, beautiful and vibrant skin.

Tips on Healthy Skin Care

You probably know modern environments are filled with harmful chemicals. Quite likely, you may even be using skin care products that contain questionable ingredients. But there are many things you can do to have healthy skin care.

First, it'll help to know what to avoid in your skin care.

I've been researching skin care products for awhile now and I'm horrified at the some of the ingredients in most major label skin care. Can you believe many of the common products at the drugstore and cosmetics counters are filled with stabilizing preservatives that can be harmful to you? These preservatives are the parabens: methyl, butyl, and others. They can affect your estrogen levels and that can be cancerous.

And that's not all, a lot of foaming facial cleansers and shampoos contain an ingredient called sodium laurel sulfate. This ingredient is also used in commercial floor cleaners! Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want to wash my face with the same stuff used to wash the floor at the office!

You'll also want to avoid petroleum products like mineral oil. Mineral oil clogs your pores and doesn't allow your skin to breathe. It's a derivative of crude oil production and a cheap base for cosmetics and skin care. It doesn't help your skin at all.

Now that you know some of the chief culprits in unhealthy skin care. What should you look for to have healthy skin?

One ingredient I use daily is Phytessence wakame. This Japanese sea kelp is eaten by the Japanese in miso soup and other mainstays of the Japanese diet. It's been used in Japanese skin care for 100's of years. It has so many health benefits it's considered a superfood. It's loaded with antioxidants, it strengthens collagen and elastin fibers in your skin to keep your skin from sagging and getting wrinkles and it slows down an aging enzyme in your body. How's that for a powerful ingredient!

I also use a version of the vitamin like supplement CoEnzyme Q10 in a special "nano' formula. Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 has the ability to penetrate deep into your skin fighting cancer and premature aging by ridding your body of free radicals.

There are so many good and natural ingredients available to aid you in creating a healthy skin care regimen that it just doesn't make sense to use anything else. You'll have to look a little harder to find these other ingredients but your health is worth it.

Visit my website now to learn more about healthy skin.

Jen P. April has been researching natural skin and health care for over 3 years. Visit her site now to learn more about cutting edge natural skincare products she recommends after extensive research:

Facts on Selecting Natural Skin Care Products

Because of the large number of natural skin care products available today, finding the most convenient ones for skin treatment can be a difficult task. From the products claiming to be made up with the latest discoveries and technologies, to those as natural as water in nature, the array of options are countless, and most of the time requires some skin care tips to allow you to find the right one for your skin type.

In fact, one thing that you should know in advance is the fact that none of them can magically erase all of your skin's problems such as, freckles, scars, stretch marks, imperfections or signs of aging. Natural skin products sometimes contain toxins that contribute to certain forms of skin allergies in sensitive individuals, as well as sinusitis.

A skin treatment with high levels of toxins can be carcinogenic, or cause you all sorts of health problems if you are not aware of the skin care tips provided by a dermatologist or beauty expert. Research estimates that approximately 8% of all the cosmetic products on the market contain at least one ingredient documented to create adverse reactions.

Hyper-pigmentation, dermatitis and acne are just a few of those adverse effects, more often associated with chemicals but not with natural skin care products. Make sure that your skin treatment consists of plants providing living substances and vital life energy, instead of novice toxins, because they will penetrate through your pores, and travel through your entire body via the circulatory system.

Among the useful skin care tips, consider the avoidance of natural skin care products containing perfume, synthetic fragrances and dyes, and be careful when applying alcohol-based lotions or toners, that disturb your pH level, which dehydrates your skin. Your skin treatment should not include bar soap for cleaning your face, unless it is naturally formulated to maintain your correct pH balance.

There are many other skin care tips and you can benefit from all of them. However, remember that natural skin care products claiming to include in their formula pure essential oils, need to be contained in dark glass bottles or especially lined packaging, otherwise they are lying about their formulation, because that oils are very volatile and need special manipulation.

Double check the ingredients of your skin treatment and ask your beauty advisor about your concerns. Many natural skin care products are sold at health care related stores so it is easier to get supportive information from health practitioners, avoiding potential health risks such as allergies, rashes, asthma, headaches, hormonal imbalances, cancer, and even reproductive complications,

Natural skin care products are designed to help you without the hazards of chemical products. The choice of the right skin treatment based on skin care tips and analyzing your own skin characteristics can make the difference between a healthy skin and side effects caused by inappropriate products.

Natalie Aranda writes about beauty, hairstyles and makeup tips. Among the useful skin care tips, consider the avoidance of natural skin care products containing perfume, synthetic fragrances and dyes, and be careful when applying alcohol-based lotions or toners, that disturb your pH level, which dehydrates your skin.

How to Choose an Anti Aging Cream For Senior Skin Care

When people age they get more concern about their skin care and try to find the best solutions possible that will help them have a healthy skin and if possible revert the imperfections such as wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and sagging skin.

Is very important to have a good senior skin care routine that you follow each day in the morning and before bed, the three basic steps for skin care are cleanse, tone and moisturize.

However you have to understand that the aging results that you have in your skin and not unavoidable and if you had taken care properly of your body, eaten the right foods and protected your skin from the sun and other toxins in the environment, you would have a much better and healthy skin.

Fortunately nowadays there are some very good anti aging creams that can help you prevent and erase wrinkles and fine lines from your face. If you are a senior the results will be very notable but dont expect to have the skin of a 30 year old person.

What you need to do to improve the look of your skin have it more smooth and bright is to follow a skin care routine daily, use an anti aging cream to help your erase wrinkles and improve your lifestyle by eating properly, taking vitamins, avoiding the sun and junk food.

Vitamins contain anti oxidants that are very powerful to improve the look of your skin and to protect it from the toxins that your skin is exposed every single day. When you touch your face, when your smoke, when you are in the streets, when you use perfumes, sprays or other chemicals you are exposing your skin to toxins that create free radicals in your skin.

Free radicals damage your skin and prevents the collagen in your body from making your skin firm and smooth, is very important to take the most vital vitamins every day to prevent skin damage.

Some of the most important vitamins are:

vitamin A: prevents dry skin and wrinkle formation.

Vitamin B: Creates a vital, luminous skin

Vitamin C: Keeps your skin from drying out and helps to produce collagen.

Vitamin E: Prevents wrinkles and premature aging

Vitamin D: Essential for a healthy teeth, bones and nails

Follow this important tips and consult your dermatologist, any senior needs skin care and you should not be the exception.

Discover the benefits of the best skin care line that is made of breakthrough natural ingredients and the dramatic results you can get. To get rid of wrinkles, fine lines and damaged skin visit:

Important Facts You Must Know About Dry Skin Care

There is a lot to be said about dry skin care. Simply because, most people do not have any idea about dry skin and what it can lead to. So, first let me start by defining what dry skin is and how you can find out if you skin is dry.

Dry skin is a condition in which your skin lacks the essential moisture which keeps it soft and supple. If left untreated, it can lead to wrinkles, cracks, dark spots, and other signs of premature aging which will make you look a lot older than what you are.

One of the most important things you should know about dry skin is that it is not a disease. It is just a skin condition and it can be treated easily. In fact, if you spend a few minutes on your skin every day and take good care of it, there will be no need for you to worry about it or any other skin problem for that matter.

Unfortunately, most people do not have the time to do that. So, dry skin is a lot more common these days than it was in the past. Let us take a look at dry skincare and what you need to do to get rid of dry skin.

If you are using soap, get rid of it immediately. It is the first step in dry skin care. Soaps dry your skin and remove the essential moisture from your skin. So, stop using soaps and instead use a mild cleanser which will cleanse your skin gently and still retain the essential moisture in your skin.

Itching and reddening are one of the most common problems associated with dry skin. Dry itchy skin can be extremely annoying and if you don't believe it, ask someone who has had that problem in the past. The first step, as I already suggested, is to stop using soaps and start using mild cleansers. The second step is to find a good cream which can hydrate your skin.

A lot of people with dry itchy skin make the mistake of buying some obscure skincare product to treat their skin condition. This is wrong. You should be aware of the ingredients used in the product and make sure they are safe on your skin. In general, organic skin care products are better than artificial cosmetic products as they are more effective and safer.

Organic ingredients like macadamia oil, olive oil, natural vitamin E, glycerin, wakame (Japanese sea kelp extract), active manuka honey (an excellent moisturizer), kaolin (special New Zealand clay), avocado oil, sorbitol, cupuacu extracts, and more. Look out for these special ingredients in your skin care cream. It has been proven that all these ingredients are extremely effective in treating dry itchy skin and there is no risk of side effects whatsoever.

So, I hope I cleared some of the most common doubts about dry skin care. If you have dry skin, get started today and get yourself a good organic skin cream. Get ready to say hello to a younger, brighter, and healthier skin.

Valerie Rosenbaum is an expert author on the subject of anti wrinkle creams. She recommends products that use all natural ingredients like Cynergy TK, Functional Keratin and Phytessence Wakame.

She has been researching skin firming creams for many years. The holistic skin care products she discovered instantly reduce fine lines and wrinkles while nourishing the skin with Functional Keratin. To learn more about what she found visit her website

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Discover the Essential Characteristics of an Effective Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment

Used to be, anti aging skin care treatments were made up of chemical peels, microdermabrasion procedures, laser surfacing techniques, Botox injections, or cosmetic surgical procedures like face lifts. But in the last couple of years, natural anti aging skin care treatment has become more popular.

The problem with natural anti aging strategies was that most of them just didn't provide the same immediate results as the choices above.

Many natural treatments aren't effective but some really are

The good news is that our knowledge of what makes skin age has dramatically increased and there have been significant advances in the development of natural skin care products. Some of them really do work and will give your skin the nutrients and proteins it needs to rejuvenate, shed wrinkles and look young and smooth again.

When looking for an anti aging skin care treatment, it's useful to understand a bit about what's going on in skin that causes aging so you can identify the right ingredients for you when choosing what to go for.

Understand the aging process allows you to understand the treatment that will work

Firstly, as we get older, we start losing our ability to produce collagen and elastin - the two essential proteins that give us a smooth, creamy, pliant, supple and younger looking skin. This is the reason wrinkles develop. Our skin is stretched by our facial muscles but when we're young, collagen and elastin make it strong and flexible enough to remain tight and bounce back to its original shape. With lower levels, the skin doesn't bounce back. We get wrinkles, sagging etc.

Secondly, over time free radical activity increases and causes damage to our skin cells. Free radicals are a natural part of the body's physiology, but they need to be in balance. The body uses antioxidants to achieve that but as we age and are exposed to sun and the environment, free radical production starts outstripping antioxidant supply. And free radicals just accelerate because they attack healthy cells.

This is a significant part of the skin aging process so any anti aging skin care treatment must deliver effective antioxidants.

Natural anti aging skin care treatments have finally evolved enough that the best ones really work. Skin is actually rejuvenated, wrinkles, blemishes and age spots actually disappear. And this has become possible because we now have such a good understanding of the skin aging process.

Clinical trials have shown us that a substance called Cynergy TK actually helps skin increase collagen and elastin production. A new form of skin enzyme has also been isolated and produced in a nano emulsion form that allows it to penetrate all seven layers of the skin and therefore go after free radicals at each level - not just the surface.

Many natural solutions aren't effective

Beware though, not all treatments are created equal. There are multiple products out there that claim to be miracle cures and aren't. And a truly effective anti aging skin care treatment needs to do more than just boost collagen and elastin and provide antioxidants. It took me forever to find a full natural treatment that actually works, but they're out there. I've written more about effective skin care treatments at my website.

If you understand what's going on in your skin and do some research regarding the latest developments in identifying the natural substances that an effective anti aging skin care treatment needs, you'll be well placed to give your skin what it needs to rejuvenate. You will end up with healthy young looking skin and you'll take twenty years off your face. Treat yourself right.

Bobby Lynn Jekos is a professional writer with a strong interest in natural health and wellness. She writes about skin care and has found an anti aging skin care treatment at she describes at her website

How to Choose The Best Skin Care Products

What To Look For First

When looking for a skin care product it must have:

(1) It must deliver results, superior results

(2) Strong anti aging properties

(3) Must be nutrient based

(4) It must be chemical and toxin free

(5) Affordable value

What Delivers Results

The question is, what kind of skin care product gives superior results? The answer is found in nutrients and oxygen.You can prove this to yourself by answering a simple question. What keeps my body healthy and strong? Nutrients. The more the better, what keeps my body healthy also keeps my skin healthy and looking good. Beauty is more than skin deep.

When we speak of nutrients in skin care products we are talking about specific ingredients that feed the skin. Ingredients like lavender oil, shea butter or calendula These nutrients are not edible as they are not very tasty but are recognized by the body as nutrients.

What do nutrient based skin care products have that chemical based products don't have? In addition to no nutrients there is no production of oxygen. Pure nutrients found in skin care products feed the skin and as they are absorbed oxygen is produced.

Powerful Anti aging Anti aging of the body and the skin is dependent upon the amount and quality of nutrients which produce the maximum amounts of oxygen which produces the strongest free radical protection against aging of the skin and the body.

Pure nutrient based natural skin care products are not only powerful anti aging but have a few more benefits. Nutrients and oxygen build collagen to firm up sagging skin, reduce wrinkles, puffiness, improve tone and texture and give a healthy glow to the skin.

Be Chemical And Toxin Free

Many skin care products are a result of technology and cheap by-products of the petroleum industry that have found their way into many skin care products and cosmetics. Ever wondered by so many skin care creams and lotions are all white in color in spite of the claim that they have "natural" ingredients that are green.

By their very nature they are the opposite of pure natural products because they have no nutrients and provide no oxygen. Petro-chemicals are toxic along with artificial colors, fragrances and preservatives which increase aging of the skin and the body.

Affordable Value

You don't have to spend $100 an ounce for a highly hyped latest version of snake oil. There are some natural products that can be very expensive, for example, pure rose oil. It takes an acre of rose petals to produce one ounce. The cost is expensive, very expensive. Not to worry you won't find it in very many skin care products.

Pure natural skin care products if chosen correctly offer exceptional value based on the points made above. They offer the most benefit, last much longer because you use less for better results and are chemical and toxin free. That my friends is how you find the best skin care product.

Robert Dixon is a health researcher and published author with many years experience in the health care field. To find the best skin care products [] and solid product recommendations please visit his website at []

LifeCell Antiaging Skin Care

Do you find yourself wondering why antiaging skin care merchandise are so popular? Are such skin care merchandise really necessary for healthy skin? If you are new to the benefits of good skin care merchandise, you may be pleasantly surprised by what they may do for your skin.

There are many types of skin care merchandise on the market today. One popular new product used for antiaging is the LifeCell antiaging skin care treatment system. LifeCell skin cream is a revolutionary product that goes far beyond others on the market. Using only the best manufacturers of the scientifically proven best ingredients, LifeCell skin cream costs more than cheaper versions. But the results are worth it. So are you.

Although South Beach (the parent company) merchandise have a dedicated following, the price may cause new consumers to hesitate before purchasing. Using a good quality antiaging skin care treatment on a regular basis can help your skin recover from the abuses of daily life. Even basic things like smiling or talking may stretch and tear your skin. As we get older, our skin lacks the collagen and nutrients that are necessary to fix this damage. Advanced skin care merchandise may help replace the nutrients that your body must have to repair itself naturally.

As time passes, your skin changes. It becomes loose, thinner, drier and wrinkled, and slower to heal. The wrinkles appear mainly as a result of the rupture of the elastin fibers and the decreasing production of collagen fibers in the dermis but the diminishing of the fatty cells play a role in this as well as the decreasing bonds between the epidermis and dermis.

The main factors that speed up the damage are sunlight, smoking, pollution, muscle use, inadequate diet, genetic background, and the lowering of hormonal levels at menopause.

While some may believe that your skin's only function is to contain your insides, the truth is that your skin is an organ. It is often your first line of defense in repelling disease-causing germs and parasites. Broken, dry, cracked skin cannot keep out these harmful organisms. Skin care products help replace essential nutrients and moisture that your body needs to keep your skin intact. Skin care products do not simply smell nice, they help your body fight infection. As we age, our skin loses natural emollients that are necessary for repair. Antiaging skin care products are often necessary as we age in order for our skin to recover from the damage of everyday living.

For more info, see LifeCell Skin Care and Antiaging Skin Care Product. Ron King is a web developer; visit his website Antiaging Skin Care Treatment.

Copyright 2007 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact and the links live.

Natural Skin Care Lines Contain Substances Free of Chemicals to Keep Skin Healthy and Young-Looking

Let's face it, we're all getting a bit older, so using natural skin care lines that aren't harmful on your skin makes sense. After all, you want to help your aging skin fight the signs of aging with the best chemical-free skin care products available. But, it can be tough trying to find natural products that work.

Try and stay away from the products on the market which contain a variety of chemical ingredients. Harmful chemicals like alcohols (benzyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and SD alcohol) because they dry and irritated your skin. And, mineral oils that just clog your pores, interferes with normal perspiration and prevents skin from getting rid of toxins.

The best natural skin care lines contain natural substances which are gentle and provide protection from the many harmful elements faced by your skin.

The best natural products contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other compounds in the form of ingredients like Coenzyme Q10, Phytessence Wakame and Cynergy TK. The benefit of using products containing substances derived form natural sources is that they won't harm or irritate your skin.

For example, the reason your skin shows aging signs is due to the fact that your body's collagen level starts to lessen. Don't run to the store and buy the "collagen added" products though because they won't add any collagen proteins to your skin.

Your skin can't absorb the collagen protein molecule because it's too large to penetrate your epidermis. What's needed for your skin is a substance, contained in skin care products, that's able to stimulate your own body's production of collagen and elastin proteins in your skin. And the natural ingredient that does the job effectively is Cynergy TK.

But, using natural skin care lines is only one part of de-aging and maintaining healthy skin. You'll also need to take proper care of your diet. Try and stay away from the processed fast foods. Drink water, eat lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, whole-wheat breads, low-fat diary products and foods containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids like salmon, herring and mackerel. By incorporating a healthy diet to your natural skin care routine, your skin can get back its healthy, youthful-looking glow.

Now that you know this, continue searching for natural skin care lines containing safe, effective and natural ingredients. Research the product so you can find the right skincare product for your skin.

Marcia is a researcher, consumer and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research:

Skin Care Products: What Haven't I Used?

Am I a Skin Care Product Junkie? Or Just too Much of a True Consumer to Settle on One Product?

This is a personal story of the myriad of skin care products I've tried. Which products disappointed and which ones delivered. Furthermore, which skin care products over delivered? With the thousands of skin products on the market today, all promising to do one thing or another for your skin, from making you look 20 years old again to erasing acne in days, it's really tough to know when you're wasting your money. And yet, we all do it! Read on for a true skin care product junkie's confessions...

Let's see, where to start. I guess we'll start with my latest little discovery. The home microdermabrasion kit. Now mind you, I've had the real thing done about two years ago for some old acne scarring still left over from my younger acne-ridden days and I absolutely loved the way it made my skin look and feel. Now, the home microdermabrasion kits claim that they can produce very similar results to the real aesthetician administered procedure.

Not to disappoint you too quickly, but they cannot simulate this effect. They do work, and they do add a nice freshly scrubbed look to your face, and clean away a lot of dull dry skin to reveal newer skin, but they do not have the same dramatic effects as real microdermabrasion does.

I will continue to use my home microderm kit though, because I like the fact that I can do it in the comfort of my own home, and for a fraction of the cost of the real office procedure. I also like the frequency it allows me to administer the treatment. There's no way I could afford the time to visit a doc's office once a week, nor would I want to squander that much money away!

Now, onto another skin care product I've purchased and tried. I purchased Dr. Varon's liquid mild acid peel kit and tried it approximately ten times. This kit is another home system that advertises as an effective alternative to a popular dermatologist or aesthestician administered skin care treatment, the glycolic acid peel, only it is in a much more diluted version due to OTC regulation.

After several uses, I examined my face several times, very closely mind you, and call me crazy, but I just didn't see any difference. The only thing I noticed was that my face got mildly irritated and seemed drier and to flake more. Perhaps this was the idea? My skin has always been a little sensitive, so maybe this is not a fair nor "accurate for all" assessment of the home facial peel, but my experience was less than impressive. But of course I will be trying it again - this time probably a higher end, online brand.

Now, onto the next product. The next product I felt certain would take my crows feet away in seconds as shown in the persuasive infomercials I was so gullible to watch for twenty full minutes. The before and after live shots of a fifty- something woman applying this gel to her eyes were nothing short of miraculous! Barely able to contain my excitement for this new "fountain of youth" product, I picked up my phone and frantically dialed the Home Shopping Network number, anxiously awaiting my "special limited time price" since I had acted so fast.

The shipment came in about four days. I opened the first package. Let me explain what this product was before I tell you how it worked. It was primarily made up of hyaluronic acid and another substance whose name escapes me now, but both of the primary ingredients were "skin swellers". What do I mean by skin swellers? Skin care product ingredients whose main purpose is to temporarily swell the skin out. The key word is "temporary" here. It did work, and it worked for about two hours, but to my dismay, when I looked in the mirror later on that day, all of my crows feet were just as deep and pronounced as they were before application.

My miracle fountain of youth hopes were dashed to smitherines! How could I be so gullible? I promised myself I would never again purchase another pricy skin care product. Instead I would only limit myself to special visits to a cosmetic dermatologist or spa to get my "real" skin care treatments. After all, they were the only thing that worked, right?

Well - no, not necessarily. I have had some good experiences, which I would like to share also - in another article perhaps? Just try to be as informed as possible about the ingredients in the skin care products you purchase. That's the moral of the story. Make sure they have some sort of real merit and therapeutic properties to them over the long haul, and are not just some sort of quick fix.

Visit CosmeticsGalore: Skin Care Product Reviews for skin care product reviews. Danna Schneider is the founder of Natural Acne Remedies

Proactive Skin Care - Start Your Skin Care As Early As Possible

Indeed looking after baby's skin from very early on, sets the trend for a life with attractive, possibly even problem-free skin, which would be anyone's desire.

It might sound like proactive skin care means the lathering on of lots of moisturizers and other unctions that prepare the skin for the rigors of later life. The thing is that protecting the tender skin of young children is a lot easier than that.

One thing and one thing only makes the difference between damaged skin, with a tendency for problems as we get older. That one thing, especially now that climate change is all the news, will not be a surprise.

That one thing is the damage that our skin experiences from early and repeated exposure to the sun. Now, don't get this wrong, we need sunlight on our skins to provide Vitamin D, which we manufacture internally. We just need to be really careful.

Proactive skin care means taking the trouble to recognize that sun damage is easy to acquire, and doing something about it early on, before sensitive young skins are affected.

You see, as we cannot escape the glare of the sun completely, which would make us ill anyway, there are some experiences that can avoid damage. Much of this issue is to do with proper awareness and that then leads to the proactive skin care which becomes second nature to us.

In Australia, where they do have one of the most intense solar strength of inhabited nations on the planet (partially due to a thin ozone layer), a surge in skin cancer rates drove the authorities there to spend significant sums on raising awareness.

Their proactive skin care "Slip Slap Slop" campaign, which became so well know worldwide, is still very much in evidence today. School children recite the words without thinking about it and their proactive skin care starts very early on.

Particular care is taken whenever anyone is taking part in what the rest of us would describe as just getting on with life. The Australians have come to realize that whilst exposure to the sun for special events can quite easily be managed, it's raising the awareness that just as much damage can be done in normal daytime activities as anything else.

Truth is that he skin is exposed to the sun when walking to and from the office or gardening rosebushes every day.

By 'Slipping' on a tee-shirt, 'Slapping' on a hat and 'Slopping' on some (high factor) sun screen, Australians have started to teach the world the lesson that proactive skin care is now the minimum requirement and not an action of choice.

In fact, when you are with Australians in their own country these days, they are so focused on sun-related proactive skin care, not taking care of your skin properly in the sun is almost as big a heresy as smoking - and many would say, just as dangerous.

Worldwide, we can and must learn this from them and protect ourselves, starting today.

(c) 2007 Skin Care Guidelines. Want to easily keep your skin clear, bright and young looking? Worry no more, you can checkout Martin Haworth's website, where you can find lots more useful information on a whole range of skincare issues at

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Five Important Anti Aging Skin Care Tips to Look Beautiful Like a Supermodel

Are you sick and tired of looking sick and tired? Maybe your skin needs to be fed healthy food by means of your anti aging skin care regime. Supermodels put a lot of effort into taking care of their skin. But even with a few lifestyle changes, you too, can have beautiful skin.

Skin is your largest organ. Whatever, you put on it, is absorbed by the skin, meaning you are actually eating it. Would you eat junk food every day and expect to remain healthy and look good? Your skin reacts the same way. Put unnatural chemicals on it, and it pays you back by eventually looking unhealthy. For a change, put the best natural skin care cream on it and your skin will thank you with radiant skin.

I have found the following five tips to be very helpful in my journey to having good skin..

1) Maintain healthy eating habits. A well balanced diet is the key to maintaining a proper body metabolism. As much as possible, avoid refined and overly processed foods. Not only do they lack essential nutrients but also cause obesity and other diseases which aid the aging process. Try as much as possible to eat natural, unrefined or organic foods. Of course, this might cramp your style, if you eat out in restaurants a lot. But aren't you worth it?

2) Drink lots of healthy, pure water. This will not keep your skin moist but will help in overall upkeep of your health which will improve your skin. If possible avoid tap water because it contains a lot of undesirable chemicals. Filter your water with a good high quality carbon filter or get a reverse osmosis unit.

3) Regular exercise is a wonderful anti aging skin care procedure. Besides toning your muscles, it also helps in cleaning the skin by flushing out the toxins from the body in the form of sweat. You do not have to become an exercise addict but at least get some on a regular basis. Lack of exercise can cause your skin to sag. However, it is amazing how just a little 20 minute walk can make you feel. Exercise is a natural combatant to stress that we naturally deal with every day.

4) Get rid of damaging lifestyle habits such as smoking, and excessive drinking of alcohol. Be aware of what these habits are doing to your body. If you want to look and feel young, control what your body eats and drinks.

5) Plenty of good sleep is essential, not just for skin care, but for your whole body. Lack of sleep can lead to the formation of wrinkles below your eyes, plus it combats stress naturally. Anti aging does not end here. Besides maintaining your good looks, anti aging skin care is also about retaining the resistance to disease. Though the familiarity about anti aging has increased over time, still many persons do not recognize the aging symptoms and thus are unable to recognize the importance of anti aging skin care preventative actions. Do not let this happen to you. By finding and using the best natural skin care cream.

Want people to tell you that you look great and ask what is your skin care secrets? Now is the time to follow these tips along with having a great natural anti aging skin care routine.

Julie McWright is an anti aging natural skin care product enthusiast, always looking for the best anti aging skin care. Head over to her site now at to discover what she recommends.

The Confusion Over Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment Products

One simple walk up the skin care aisle of your local pharmacy will show you the number of products that are available on the market for you to choose from. This is where the confusion begins to set in when you are trying to find the best anti aging skin treatment products to use for your skin. The number of anti aging skin care treatment products that are on the market will require you to be well informed if you are to find the right one.

The first thing that you should do, before you even set foot in the store, is some research. There is a wealth of information online that will help you to determine the right products for your type of skin. It is important that you understand what ingredients are good for your aging skin and which ones might cause some harm. Looking for anti aging skin care treatment products will mean that you should spend some time becoming informed.

Many of the sites that you will find online will give you information on the natural products that are good for your skin. The decision to use products that contain natural ingredients is one way that you can be sure that you are not putting dangerous or harmful chemicals on your skin. You might be surprised at home many of these dangerous chemicals are used in the major brands of skincare products. What is touted in advertisements as the best anti aging skin treatment might actually be causing your skin harm.

Look for sites online that show you the research that proves the effectiveness of the ingredients that are used in skin care products. You should also pay careful attention to the concentrations that have been shown to be effective as well. Again, the major skin care brands will claim to use these ingredients, but there is not enough of a concentration to allow the ingredients to actually be effective in their product. When you are armed with this kind of information, you can make an informed decision on the products that you will use on your skin.

Make sure that the anti aging skin care treatment products do not contain extra ingredients that are not necessary. Fragrance is one example of these types of ingredients. The products may smell great and this makes them a very tempting product, but there is no need to add extra chemicals to your skin care products. Fragrance should be restricted to the products that you wear in limited areas on the skin and worn only for their fragrance. Perfumes are only applied to the skin in small amounts to a limited area of your skin. This limits the damage that the chemicals can cause to your skin.

After you have done your research on the proper ingredients that should be used in anti aging skin care treatment products, you will be ready to make a decision on the product that you will use on your skin. Many people buy their products based on advertising and not on quality research. Make sure that you pay more attention to the research and the fine print on your skin care products and less attention to the television commercials. This will allow you to find the best anti aging skin treatment.

Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years researching anti-wrinkle skin firming products. She recommends all natural products that include ingredients such as Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Functional Keratin.

She recommends a line of holistic skin care products that instantly reduce fine lines and wrinkles while nourishing the skin's natural ability to heal. To learn more visit her website

What Anti Aging Natural Skin Care Products Work Best?

Picking anti aging natural skin care products can be quite the challenge. The choices are endless. But what if I told you that you could easily narrow down your choices to just a handful?

In order for anti aging natural skin care products to be effective, they have to stop and prevent the causes of aging from effecting your skin. Any anti aging natural skin care products that do not target the causes of aging are flat out worthless.

Also, and effective anti aging solution should contain the best ingredients that science and technology has to offer- in high concentrations. This is where most skin care companies get consumers. The product sounds great on the label, but it contains minuscule amounts of the key ingredients.

Now, the first and most important thing that anti aging natural skin care products should do is stimulate collagen and elastin production. Collagen and elastin are the two most important structural proteins in the skin. They are responsible for keeping it firm, elastic, supple, and tone.

Buy as you age into your late 20s and early 30s, your skin begins to looks roughly 1.5% of all its collagen and elastin. This explains why wrinkles, fine lines, eye circles, and other aging signs begin to form. It also explains why your skin is the firmest when you are a child and young adult.

*WARNING* Anti aging natural skin care products that actually contain collagen and elastin as ingredients do not work. Sure they seem logical, but that's the only reason they are on the shelves. Collagen and elastin cannot actually be absorbed through your pores, so these kind of products serve no beneficial purpose for the skin.

I stimulate collagen and elastin production in my skin by using anti aging natural skin care products that contain a cutting-edge ingredient called CynergyTK. This ingredient contains a bio-active form of Function Keratin(TM) extracted from the wool of New Zealand sheep.

All technical jargon aside, CynergyTK will not only stimulate your own collagen and elastin to grow again, it will also stimulate the regrowth of skin cells and even give your skin a brighter and more radiant complexion.

As your collagen and elastin levels increase, your wrinkles will slowly but surely disappear and stay away- as long as you diligently and consistently continue to use these breakthrough anti aging natural skin care products.

And if you're really serious about getting rid of wrinkles and other aging signs, you should really try to use anti aging natural skin care products that target the other causes of aging skin. The more you prevent, the better results you'll get!

Visit my website today to learn about the other causes of aging skin and the natural substances in anti aging natural skin care products that best prevent them.

Caroline Richie is a long time user and passionate admirer of natural skin care. Visit her site now and discover the cutting-edge ingredients and anti aging solutions she recommends and uses after years of research and trial-and-error with all sorts of products ---> Go to

Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment - The 7 Secrets to Beautiful Skin

The way we age is part hereditary but mostly related to the environment, how we take care of our skin, and products we use. Products do differ in the benefits. It can be very confusion and often exhausting reading labels and trying to determine the most benefit to your skin. The ingredients lists of our products are lengthy and often have long words only known to chemist.

But it is more than the products. What you do to take care of your skin makes a difference.

1. Use a Gentle Wash. Washing and removing all make up, oil and dirt from your face in the morning and at night is important. Don't go to bed with make up on. Washing your face in the morning and washing your face at night is very important. Washing your face is the first step to beautiful skin and good skin care. Washing your face in the morning will open your pours and refresh your face to start your day whether you wash in the shower or at the sink. Make sure your facial wash is PH correct. A wash should not be drying or stripping.

2. Use a Toner. Use a toner to remove what washing your face did not remove. A toner is a necessary part to any skin care treatment or skin care regimen. The toner should be a PH correct to maximize your cleaning effort and restore balance.

3. Use an Eye Cream. An eye cream is very important. The skin under your eyes is different than the skin on your cheeks, chin, or forehead. The skin under your eyes is very delicate. Your eye cream should help reduce the puffiness and tighten the skin underneath your eyes. If you can only afford one good product for your skin care, buy a good anti-aging eye cream.

4. Use a Moisturizer. The moisturizer will help you to achieve and maintain beautiful skin. The moisturizer must have minerals and vitamins in the ingredients. Copper is known to be one of the best minerals for an anti-aging skin care regimen. Stay away from products that have mineral oil and petroleum products as an ingredient. Mineral oil can clog your pours. Mineral oil prevents the minerals and vitamins from penetrating the first layer of skin to go down deep into the pours where they do their work. Moisturizers provide your skin with the necessary drink it needs to remain hydrated. You want to use a moisturizer that will hydrate your skin without leaving an oily feeling. Use products that have protection against the UV Rays even in the winter months. Your face is exposed to the sun even in the winter months.

5. Use a Night Cream. A night cream will help to replenish your skin with nutrients needed for the rebuilding of your cells. Make sure the night cream is placed on a clean face. A night cream will provide moisturize and rejuvenate your skin while you sleep.

6. Use all the above products on your neck as well. Many women stop the facial skin care at the jaw line omitting one of the most important parts of our body for skin care. That is the neck. Do your body a favor and provide all the same skin care to your neck. You will notice a difference. Did you know the appearance of wrinkles on your neck can give away your age? Take the extra 30 seconds and give your neck the treatment it deserves.

7. Most important take care of your skin from the inside out. Taking care of the skin only goes so far! It is imperative to provide your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to build beautiful skin. An antioxidant will rid your body of the free radicals preventing your cells from achieving maximum health.

Okay, now that you know the 7 (seven) secrets to beautiful skin you may ask is it really important to use all those products? Yes, it is. Each of the 7 (seven) secrets provide individual benefit to your skin. It would be great it just one product could provide all the benefits but frankly it would not work. Would you expect your wash to offer a moisturizing benefit that would not require any other skin care product? Think about it, how could you possibly get the best minerals, botanicals, and vitamins such as copper, wheat germ, aloe, cucumber extract, green tea, just to name a few, into one bottle. Good products will provide you with a quick but beneficial skin care system. A beneficial skin care system should help to make you look as young as you feel. It should take tired eyes and make them look younger when the dark circles and puffiness and fine lines are visibly reduced. A botanically based formula support the special skin care needs of both men and women. An anti-aging skin care system should produce results to beautify skin. A skin care system that produces results should firm the appearance of the skin while creating a brighter and smoother skin.

Momentum Marketing Biz
Ellie Monski

For Youthful Looking Skin Use the Best Skin Care For Men Skin care for men should be able to take care of some basic principles for healthier skin. These are individualized care, prevention and protection. If you find a natural skin care for men it should be able to take care of all three of these major needs that every man is looking for in his skin care products. It should contain natural ingredients and plant based extracts to give long lasting effects.

I will highlight below some of the important factors of what to look for in a skin care for man product. Knowledge is the key when it comes to finding and using the best for your skin. The information provided is not all encompassing, however it should be sufficient to get you started on the path to younger looking and healthier skin.

1. Individualized Care

If you suffer from acne, dryness, inflamed skin or eczema or other skin problems you should be using specially formulated ingredients in your skin care. The best natural skin care for men should contain Functional Keratin. This will provide healing to many different skin conditions. Functional Keratin will heal the skin from deep within. Other forms of keratin are not as effective as the Functional form.

You also need a substance known as Witch Hazel as it protects against one of the problems most men have to deal with daily and that is shaving. Witch Hazel helps to soothe inflamed skin caused by shaving. It is an astringent and antioxidant that protects the skin and keep it smooth and healthy..

2. All Round Protection

Men's skin needs a lot of protection as it is exposed to many environmental factors such as sun, wind, heat and extreme cold weather conditions. Skin care for men should naturally provide them with antioxidants that will protect the skin from free radicals caused by too much sun exposure. To protect your skin from sun damage find products that contains Vitamin B-5 and CoEnzyme Q10.

To keep their skin healthy men need skin care for men that will provide them with natural moisturizer and Natural Vitamin E not the synthetic type. Your skin needs essential oils such as grapeseed, avocado and jojoba oils as well as emollients such as babassu. These will provide your skin natural moisture that is close to the natural oils produced by your own body.

3. Prevention - There is a saying that prevention is better than cure.

This feature of any skin care for men should be very active as it will help to repair present damage and prevent future problems from occurring. It should be able to diminish the signs of wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and any other conditions affecting the skin.

Stay away from products that contain harmful chemical ingredients such as parabens, fragrances, mineral oil, alcohols, dioxane and triclosan. These should not be found in any product claiming to be good for the skin.

To prevent any further damage look for natural, active, cutting edge ingredients that has been proven in clinical trials to be effective in healing and repairing men's skin. Look for Natural Vitamin E, Cynergy TK, Nano Lipobelle, Witch Hazel, Kaolin, Bentone Gel and other natural ingredients in skin care for men for the best possible skin care to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated skin.

Taking care of your skin is very important, not because you are a man that does not mean you should neglect your skin. Act not and start doing the right thing.

Ingrid Palmer has been using and researching natural skin care product for many years.

Visit her website for information on the best anti aging products she has researched and recommends.

Why is Collagen Skin Care Such an Ineffective Treatment Option For Wrinkles?

Collagen skin care products are all the rage these days, as marketers of expensive products have convinced consumers that they can help reduce wrinkles. However, this is quite misleading as it is physically impossible for collagen molecules to penetrate the skin's surface...they are simply too large. So if it can't penetrate your skin, how can these treatments possibly help reduce wrinkles? Answer, they can't.

So why do they tell you it can? Well, they do it just to market their product and gain sales using collagen as an ingredient. The reality is that there is just no scientific proof that collagen can be absorbed by the skin on your face, neck or body. Hence there is no use applying a product with this ingredient to reverse aging signs.

Real collagen treatment is available only with products that make your skin produce more of this protein naturally. That's the key. Collagen levels come down in older age. Since collagen is the essential element for healthy and young looking skin, enhancing its levels in older skin, can effectively reverse aging signs.

Products that do not provide collagen skin care in this manner cannot show you healthy results. On the other hand, products that promote skin collagen naturally make your skin revitalized. They also enrich your skin through vitamins and antioxidants.

They help to keep your skin moisturized and in a way this acts against aging sings. Wrinkles, skin lines and sagging skin come on quickly in unhealthy skin. By preventing such problems from coming onto your skin, they are protecting it from aging sings in a better way.

The best kind of skin care is not collagen treatment products which offer collagen, but products which provide natural ingredients that work in a wholesome way on your skin. Most of the time people take products that include chemical ingredients. The problem with such products is that they deplete skin texture and cause side effects. People with sensitive skin always have to worry about how such a product will treat and work on their skin.

People with difficult skin conditions can safely take anti aging products with natural ingredients. They are known to work safely on skin. They won't cause side effects like skin rashes. Anti aging products specifically use those ingredients that provide real collagen treatment by enhancing skin collagen levels. So, aging signs are reversed by the skin's own production of new cells. This gives long lasting skin care, something you cannot get with chemical-based products.

However, a point to be noted is choosing the right natural anti aging skin care product. There are many products that have only a small dose of natural ingredients. Much of the product is made up of chemical such as parabens, alcohol, wax, mineral oils and also fragrances.

Avoid buying such products because they are not better than any chemical based products. Only products with a high percent of natural ingredients and with no fragrances offer effective collagen skin care by promoting skin collagen levels. It is this kind of skin care treatment that works best to give you long lasting, healthy and young looking skin.

Susan Kessler is an expert in skincare and has helped hundreds of men and women improve the appearance of their skin. Visit Skin Cream Guide to learn more about how to find the very best skin care products on the market. You too can look and feel years younger!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

An Anti Aging Skin Care Guide For Those Seeking Better Skin

My best friend and I do everything together. We have been since we were teenagers. We went through first crushes, first break ups, first careers, heart breaks and joys. All together, like best friends do. However, as we aged I realized that even though our friendship remained the same, our skin hadn't. It was like she had a secret anti aging skin care guide that I didn't know about.

We both led pretty healthy lives. We practiced a good, balanced diet, and led active lifestyles. We also tried our best to keep our skin out of the sun as much as possible. But, suddenly as I reached my thirties my once smooth, radiant, youthful skin started to lose its firmness, and I started to see the signs of wrinkles around my eyes and mouth. I was mortified, especially when I looked at my friend's skin that still didn't look an age over 25.

I finally had to ask her how she was able to keep her skin looking so good. She gave me a look like; "Why did it take you so long to ask me?" Afterward, she told me her simple, ultimate anti aging skin care treatment regimen.

Her guidance gave me the tools to rejuvenating my skin to make it look younger, healthier, and more beautiful than it had ever looked before. After learning this simple guide to great skin, I was so happy with the results I knew I had to share with everyone.

The first thing in her anti aging skin care guide was educating yourself on what damages your skin, so you can know what to avoid, and how to properly treat your skin. One of the main causes of skin damage and premature aging is sun damage. Another key cause of skin damage is due to free radicals. These are imbalanced electrons that are produced through oxidation. They cause accelerated aging and skin damage.

Knowing these key factors in skin damage can help you in finding the right anti aging skin care treatment. Now that she gave me the information on what causes premature skin aging and skin damage, the next step in her anti aging skin care guide was to let me in on what kinds of ingredients I should be looking for in an anti wrinkle cream that can successfully combat these skin damagers and give me the youthful, radiant skin that I was looking for.

The first thing she filled me in on was a unique Japanese sea kelp called Phytessence Wakame. Commonly known in Japan as the "beauty preserver," phytessence wakame is rich in B-vitamins and keeps the skin smooth, moisturized, and radiant. It is also known for increasing elasticity in the skin and repairing irritated and dry skin.

Another ingredient to look for in your anti aging skin care treatment is an antioxidant called Cynergy TK. It contains a functional keratin that reduces fine lines and wrinkles, promotes firmness and elasticity in skin, and makes your skin more radiant, while giving your skin a smoother, even toned complexion.

The last "must-have" ingredient she mentioned in her anti aging skin care guide was something called Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10. This is a coenzyme that protects your skin against aging due to harmful UV exposure, reduces wrinkles, nourishes skin with antioxidants, and rejuvenates the skin by enhancing cell activity.

So, that was it. Her ultimate anti aging skin care guide was as simple as figuring out what damages your skin and creates premature aging, and the substances that are needed in any anti aging skin care treatment that will help in reducing and preventing the damage that is done to your skin by these skin damagers. Now that you have the insight I have you can get out there and start your journey into creating and maintaining better, more youthful and beautiful skin!

Yves Lortie is an avid health enthusiast who has been concentrating his research on natural skin care over the past few years. Visit [] to find out more about high quality natural skin care products.

Secrets of Natural Healthy Skin Care That Will Make You Look Young Again!

A Natural and Healthy skin care regimen can do a lot to give you the most desired young skin. These days there is a lot of concern on the issue of synthetic skin care products that use harsh chemicals. I will tell you that healthy skin care does not necessarily need to use such harmful ingredients.

There are many products available in the market these days that put up labels saying that they are "natural" and also "organic". While they may contain some natural ingredients, but they are in very minute quantities and apart from that, they don't even mention the names of the harmful chemicals that they are using in their so called "healthy skin care product".

These sorts of tactics played by the cosmetic skin care companies to boost their sales are unacceptable and unethical. Such products do not give healthy skin, but on the contrary lead to allergies and skin problems many cases.

Let us look at some of the harmful substances that are put in these products that you need to be especially watchful for.

1) Parabens- They have a long shelf life and find their use mainly as preservatives in skin care products. A longer shelf life means higher profits and lower storage costs for the manufacturer, but it is definitely harmful for your skin.

A high quality natural healthy skin care product should not contain such harmful substances. You shall be surprised to know that parabens have been scientifically known to cause distruptions in the estrogen levels in females.

2) Fragrances- These are the second culprits. The word fragrances sounds good, but when these fragrances are created by chemical processes then it becomes poisonous for our skin. Long time ago fragrances used to be made out of natural flowers, but now that is a thing of the past.

Chemically created fragrances cause skin allergies, rashes and do more harm to skin than any good. A high quality product must not use such artificially created fragrances.

And you would also find it useful to strictly avoid such products that have these ingredients in them:

Mineral Oil
Phenol Carbolic Acid
DEA, MEA and TEA. Here the terms M, D and T stand for Mono, Di and Tri. So the names to safeguard against are Monoethanolamine, Diethanolamine and Triethanolamine.

There are also many other harmful chemical ingredients. But these were the most commonly found names. The degree of harm they cause to healthy skin varies from individual to individual. They especially do a lot of damage to naturally sensitive skin persons.

As a part of healthy skin care, it would be incomplete to not mention the use of vitamins. As important it is to prevent healthy skin from carcinogens and harmful ingredients, equally important it is to provide it with the most soothing and nourishing natural ingredients which are lush in their natural vitamin and mineral content.

I would like to mention the name of Phytessence Wakame which is a part of my healthy skin care regimen. It is a special type of Japanese sea kelp. And its wonder lies in the fact that it is rich in Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12) and also in calcium, potassium and iron.

After knowing its highly effective qualities in skin anti aging, its extracts are used in elite skin creams. It is also quite effective in maintaining skin moisture, anti inflammatory and skin elasticity.

I have covered a great deal of research on my website on such natural substances that play a pivotal role in healthy skin and can highly boost your skin youth if they form a part of your healthy skin care regimen.

Vijay Raisinghani is a Natural Healthcare Expert and a passionate advocate of natural skin care. His website provides a wealth of information on what works and what doesn't work in Anti-aging skincare to achieve a young, beautiful and vibrant skin.

7 Best Acne Skin Care Tips

How do you care for your skin when acne suddenly shows up? Many people use skin care methods that actually do more harm than bring benefits. Are you one of them? See what are best acne skin care methods to prevent acne breakouts.

1. Clean your skin with gentle cleansers

Use mild cleansing agent on acne affected skin. Gently rub it in twice a day. If the weather is very hot or you do a lot of exercise makes sure to wash the sweat of your face. Bacteria can accumulate on your face when you are sweating. You can use an astringent cleanser for washing your face. Best cleansers contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, licochalone, chamomile, aloe vera, feverfew, and niacinamide. Avoid acne cleanser with high alcohol content, they will dry your skin.

Be careful not to overdo it with the cleansing. Using acne cleanser five times a day instead of two won't help. Actually it can only make your skin more irritated. Scrubbing acne affected skin is also a bad idea; it will only make acne worse.

2. Use exfoliating acne skin care products

Exfoliating means removing dead skin sells from the surface of your skin. Not only these sells make your skin look dull, they are also a good food for bacteria. At home you can use mild exfoliating scrubs about once a week. For a more dramatic effect ask a dermatologist if dermabrasion or a chemical peel can help you to get rid of acne.

3. Simplest rule of acne skin care - no squeezing and pinching

Don't tease your skin. It might be very tempting to get rid of these terrible whiteheads by squeezing them, but they will only pop up again and look even more awful then before. And it can also leave a scar on your skin.

4. Sun is the enemy of acne affected skin

Sun is damaging for any skin, but it is particularly dangerous when you have acne. First, acne makes your skin more sensitive. Second, most acne medications like cleansers and acne creams make your skin more susceptible to sun damage. Using a sun block cream is not a good idea, most sun screen creams are oil based. So for proper acne skin care stay out of the sun or wear a hat.

5. Shave with care when you have acne

Shaving can be a problem. Whether you use electric razor or a safety razor take extra care when shaving, if you have acne. If you use a safety razor, make sure it is very sharp. It is best to use disposable razors. Soften your beard with water and soap before putting a shaving cream on. It is recommended to use shaving creams for sensitive skin. And, most important, don't shave very often, because every shaving disturbs your skin and can make blemishes worse.

6. Select make-up carefully

Make-up can help to hide acne and acne scars, but you have to be careful applying it. Only select water based (not oil based) congealers and foundations. Avoid cheap cosmetic, it can damage your skin farther. If you use blush, go for a powder blush instead of a stick blush, it is less likely to clog your pores.

Remove your make up as soon as you get home. Even the best cosmetic is not really good for acne affected skin. It can clog your pores causing more acne breakouts. If you notice that your acne are getting worse, switch to a different brand make up. And don't use make-up unless absolutely necessary - decorative cosmetic is not a friend for acne skin care.

7. Keep dirty hands off your face

When working in the garden or doing any other dirty work, never touch your face. It can transfer bacteria to your skin and cause an acne breakout.

Stick to these simple rules of best acne skin care. Combined with a good acne treatment or medication they will help you to clean your face of acne and bring back your beautiful skin. Acne Treatments Guide provides you with information about acne skin care and helps you find acne products that would make your skin acne free

Natural Skin Care - Tips For Men

Let's face it men. We work hard, we sweat, we shower and shave. Our skin is generally more oily than a woman's and we have larger pores. When you think about it in those terms, it's almost mind boggling to know that the skin care market for the ladies is 4 to 5 times larger than that for men. Want to know why? Because we're dirty!

Up until recently men have largely neglected their skin, deeming it unimportant. The fact is, if you want to look younger longer, you need to start taking care of your hide!

Natural skin care is the best skin care. According to recent studies, only 11% of the ingredients in conventional skin care products have been tested for safety. This statistic, added to the fact that 60% of what we put on our skin ends up inside our bodies, makes natural skin care products the way to go.

Listed below are some tips to help the guy's beautify their mugs!

1. Keep Your Skin Clean- If you want to keep your face looking young and healthy, you need to keep it clean. And washing your face with that bar of soap in the shower is not what I mean by clean. The average bar soap is harsh on the skin and not good for your face. To clean out your pores you need a good face wash or cleanser.

2. Exfoliate- It is recommended that you exfoliate your skin 3-4 times a week. By doing this you remove dead skin cells and smooth the surface of your skin. This will also reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Keep Your Skin Toned- Using a toner or astringent on your face and neck accomplishes several things in one step. First, it removes any dirt or residue that your soap or cleanser left behind. Second, it reduces the size of your pores, which limits the amount of environmental pollutants that can get in. And third, it keeps your skin looking young and healthy.

4. Protect And Nourish Your Skin- The condition of your digestive system plays a huge role in how your skin looks. There are several things you can do to make sure both are healthy. Eat healthy foods, stay in shape by getting regular exercise, avoid getting too much sun, and use natural products on your skin whenever possible.

With all the environmental pollutants in the air and in our food, protecting our skin and bodies has never been more important! Visit to see a review of the top natural skin care products for men.