Thursday, August 8, 2013

How to Choose The Best Skin Care Products

What To Look For First

When looking for a skin care product it must have:

(1) It must deliver results, superior results

(2) Strong anti aging properties

(3) Must be nutrient based

(4) It must be chemical and toxin free

(5) Affordable value

What Delivers Results

The question is, what kind of skin care product gives superior results? The answer is found in nutrients and oxygen.You can prove this to yourself by answering a simple question. What keeps my body healthy and strong? Nutrients. The more the better, what keeps my body healthy also keeps my skin healthy and looking good. Beauty is more than skin deep.

When we speak of nutrients in skin care products we are talking about specific ingredients that feed the skin. Ingredients like lavender oil, shea butter or calendula These nutrients are not edible as they are not very tasty but are recognized by the body as nutrients.

What do nutrient based skin care products have that chemical based products don't have? In addition to no nutrients there is no production of oxygen. Pure nutrients found in skin care products feed the skin and as they are absorbed oxygen is produced.

Powerful Anti aging Anti aging of the body and the skin is dependent upon the amount and quality of nutrients which produce the maximum amounts of oxygen which produces the strongest free radical protection against aging of the skin and the body.

Pure nutrient based natural skin care products are not only powerful anti aging but have a few more benefits. Nutrients and oxygen build collagen to firm up sagging skin, reduce wrinkles, puffiness, improve tone and texture and give a healthy glow to the skin.

Be Chemical And Toxin Free

Many skin care products are a result of technology and cheap by-products of the petroleum industry that have found their way into many skin care products and cosmetics. Ever wondered by so many skin care creams and lotions are all white in color in spite of the claim that they have "natural" ingredients that are green.

By their very nature they are the opposite of pure natural products because they have no nutrients and provide no oxygen. Petro-chemicals are toxic along with artificial colors, fragrances and preservatives which increase aging of the skin and the body.

Affordable Value

You don't have to spend $100 an ounce for a highly hyped latest version of snake oil. There are some natural products that can be very expensive, for example, pure rose oil. It takes an acre of rose petals to produce one ounce. The cost is expensive, very expensive. Not to worry you won't find it in very many skin care products.

Pure natural skin care products if chosen correctly offer exceptional value based on the points made above. They offer the most benefit, last much longer because you use less for better results and are chemical and toxin free. That my friends is how you find the best skin care product.

Robert Dixon is a health researcher and published author with many years experience in the health care field. To find the best skin care products [] and solid product recommendations please visit his website at []

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