Monday, August 5, 2013

Skin Care Cream - Who Needs It?

Have you noticed that getting ready each morning seems to be getting more complicated and time consuming? If you're like me, you probably look at all the skin care cream in your bathroom cabinet or drawer and wonder, "who needs it?" Well, you do! We all do.

Having healthy beautiful skin requires skin care moisturizing cream. But with the glut of products available on the market (or in your cabinet) how do you know which one is the best for your skin?

Well, most products on the market can temporarily relieve your skin's dryness. But they are not designed to treat and repair the underlying causes of that dryness: aging and exposure to sunlight and the elements. This is because they are made up of synthetic chemicals, such as mineral oil and parabens combined with chemically-produced fragrances. Not only are these not effective in repairing your damaged skin, they can also contribute to that damage with long term use.

The best skin care moisturizing cream is based upon natural ingredients that come from plant oils, vitamins and natural enzymes. In addition to effectively hydrating the skin, these ingredients are capable of giving your skin cells what they need to heal from within. And the really great thing about using natural ingredients is that they work on ALL types of skin...even the toughest to treat dry skin.

Plant oils such as avocado and macadamia are free of harsh chemicals, so they are able to provide natural, soothing hydration to the skin.

Vitamins such as Vitamin E and natural enzymes such as CoQ10 work because they are antioxidants. Antioxidants are important in skin care cream because they fight the production free radicals. Free radicals are damaging molecules that cause the lines and wrinkles in our skin that make us look older. CoQ10 is so effective because it has the ability to penetrate the skin several layers deep.

Lines and wrinkles aren't the only problems we face as we age. As we get older our body's ability to produce collagen and elastin is reduced, resulting in the loss of our skin's youthful firmness and elasticity. The best skin care cream contains natural proteins such as Keratin, which stimulate the body's own production of collagen and elastins.

Beware of any cream that is promoted because it contains collagen. The molecules that make up this type of collagen are too large to penetrate the skin when applied topically. So the collagen in these products is useless.

This emphasis on natural ingredients is also important because of your skin's natural absorption. When you use skin care products that are made up of synthetic chemicals you are at risk of having these chemicals reach your bloodstream. This is why it's so important to choose products that are made up of ingredients which won't harm your body. The natural, plant-based oils, vitamins and enzymes which are contained in the best skin care cream are pure enough that you could eat them.

So do yourself a favor and simplify your morning getting-ready routine. Find the best skin care cream and put it in your bathroom cabinet. Its as easy as reading labels. Before long you'll be an expert at separating the ineffective jars of synthetic chemicals from the best, most natural skin care moisturizing cream. Your skin AND your bathroom cabinet will thank you.

Therese Higgins is a dedicated researcher and user of the best natural skin care. When it comes to achieving young, fabulous skin, Therese believes, "knowledge is power!" Learn more about the clinically-tested, potent natural substances which are being used to create effective skin care cream. Visit now!

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