Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to Choose the Right Skin Care For Men Skin care for men has come of age! Having said that, try finding the right products for men! A lot of companies just repackage the same products they use for women. And, although our skin is similar, there are certain hormonal differences between men and women that require that products for men, skin care products that is, be differently formulated. Let's talk about what types of products men need, and also where you might find those products.

Men Skin Care : What Ages Us?

If you're going to understand skin care for men, then you need to understand why skin ages. There are basically three processes going on in the skin of both men and women that ages it.

First off, your skin is mainly composed of proteins. Two of the main types of proteins are collagen and elastin. Roughly speaking, collagen gives skin its shape, while elastin makes it elastic--return to its shape after being deformed. One of the big reasons skin ages is the collagen and elastin start to break down. Any skin care for men products need to address this basic issue!

Next, we have an acid in our skin called hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a major component of skin, where it is involved in tissue repair. Young people have greater levels of hyaluronic acid, which is one of the reasons their skin looks...well, so young! Increase hyaluronic acid and you can literally roll back the clock.

Finally, there's the problem with free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules in our tissues that are caused by oxidation. One of the main theories of aging believes that aging is caused by the accumulation of free radicals in the body. Fewer free radicals, less aging. How do you get rid of free radicals? Antioxidants!

Men Skin Care : What Do You Need?

The best products that are specifically formulated for skin care for men address all three of these issues. There actually are ingredients that can help repair collagen and elastin, increase hyaluronic acid, and also reduce free radicals. For instance, one company I researched has a proprietary ingredient called CynergyTK. This is a specially formulated, all natural chemical designed to repair skin proteins.

Another ingredient that you need to look out for is Wakame. This is a Japanese seaweed that can increase hyaluronic acid. (Actually, it works by decreasing the chemical in our skin that attacks hyaluronic acid.) Wakame has been used for centuries in Japan to help people maintain and regain youthful skin.

And, finally, you need a good antioxidant in any product designed for skin care for men. All natural vitamin E is one of my favorites.

Men Skin Care : Where Can You Buy This Stuff?

I'm sorry to say that you're not going to find these types of ingredients in your name brand products. Most of your big companies really skimp on the amount of active ingredient they put in their skin care products. Also, many of them use fragrances--and that's something you definitely want to stay away from!

What I've found for both men and women is that it's the boutique companies that sell the really good, high-end products--you know, the ones that really work!

To learn more about natural skincare [], visit my website!

Lee Richards is an avid health and exercise enthusiast who loves to make her research available to everyone via the Internet. Check out Lee's website, Skin Care Moisture Blog [], for more information about this important topic.

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