Thursday, May 16, 2013

What's the Best Skin Care Tip You Can Get?

When was the last time you were given a half decent skin care tip?

Was it the regulars like - Use a good moisturizer, protect your skin by keeping out of the sun, wear a hat and use sun screen, drink plenty of water, don't eat too many sugars or greasy food, watch your weight and finally do some exercise.

Now... don't get me wrong, this is all good sound advice, but we are all just a little bit over getting these same skin care tips all the time.

The best skin care tip I can give you is to find a natural skin care cream that has the proven power to make a positive difference to your three main skin proteins collagen, elastin and keratin.

Why is this so important!

Whether you realize it or not, your body including your skin consists of over 30% proteins which is a huge amount.

As you age these protein levels decrease, therefore, your skins structure, thickness, strength and elasticity diminishes. The skin thins and damages more easily, then fine lines start appearing that gradually turn into wrinkles.

The only way to slow down or reverse this process other than temporary fixes like collagen or botox injections or invasive surgery, is with a skin care cream that includes substances proven to stimulate the production of more protein skin cells.

Now... if you're the impatient type you may as well stop here!

A good quality natural skin care cream that includes ingredients powerful enough to make a substantial difference to your skins texture will take a little time. I'm not talking days here like many skin care and cosmetic companies would lead you to believe in their advertising.

My experience over the past 12 weeks using the best quality natural skin cream I could find after extensive research. Has resulted in my skin thickening and plumping up. A noticeable improvement in my facial skin and a reduction in deep wrinkles is evident, in particular the sagging bags under my eyes have reduced I estimate by about 40%.

Finally, the best skin care tip I can give you is... build up your collagen and elastin skin cell levels. It takes a little time and consistency, but what's the hurry. The eventual result of improving your skins texture and making it more youthful looking is worth the effort.

At my website, I discuss more effective anti aging natural skincare ingredients that can help you to have younger, smoother looking skin.

Kathryn M. Reid is trained in, and has many years experience in skin care management, she now recommends and uses natural skin care creams and supplements daily. If your looking for a new all-natural solution, visit my site today

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