Thursday, April 3, 2014

What You Should Know About Best Skin Care Regimen

Manila, Philippines

Everyone desires to have a beautiful skin. This entails taking good care of your body and being disease-free. Because of this, men and women strive to be physically healthy and attractive. Everybody seeks the best skin care products and reliable health tips available to look good and feel good.

With the way how our skin texture looks, one can easily say if we are exerting effort to safeguard our well-being. The doctor's pieces of advice to always exercise, eat balanced diet, quit smoking and having a positive outlook about life will remain as stronghold to be in good shape.

At the same time, with the help of many skin care products that can be bought in the department stores, enhancing your physical beauty is within your reach enabling to improve your skin texture and visibly look younger.

Probably, if there is a wonder pill available in the market or a formulated cream that promises an everlasting youthfulness, everybody would want to have it whatever it takes. The fresh-looking skin makes anyone appealing and very pleasant to look at.

Having a radiant, supple and healthy skin brings an aura of tranquility and glowing spirit. It exudes your innermost sense of peace as you look like a goddess sent on Earth. However, magical drugs are not yet discovered and so we need to rely on beauty products provided by dermatologists. Such products offer good results that help slowdown signs of aging.

As we visit our favorite beauty shops, many creams, ointments, moisturizers and astringents are being promoted. Some of these skin care products have countless benefits to help you look younger. Others even claim they are the best cosmetic products ever developed.

There's nothing wrong of aspiring for a blemish-free skin. But you have to consider that the best beauty products to buy should conform to your skin type and tone. Ask your dermatologist or a certified health expert of what options are available when buying a skin care product that will work well on your skin.

Skin types vary whether you have oily, dry, normal or a sensitive skin. What your mother or sister may be using may not be applicable to your skin type. You have to be aware about your hypersensitivity to certain ingredients to attain a blemish-free skin.

Depending on the type of cosmetics, the best skin care products usually contain ingredients like Vitamins A and E. These are essential in keeping the skin's natural moisture and help you to have glowing and supple skin. Vitamin E, in particular, is responsible in maintaining your skin's moisture. Vitamin A or popularly known as Retinol helps in getting rid of dead skin cells.

Generally, the skin care products that are highly recommended are those that are naturally made because they do not irritate the skin. They use less preservatives, scents or dyes and do not contain strong ingredients. Other products have synthetic ingredients and usually cause allergic reactions to the skin. In such instances, redness, itch or even skin patches may occur if you are found to have sensitivity to these commercial products.

Maynard Joseph Delfin has graduated AB Journalism (cum laude) from the University of Santo Tomas. He has worked as book editor, deskman, copy editor and research and publications officer in leading publishing and research companies in the Philippines.

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