Friday, April 4, 2014

The Shocking Truth About Collagen Skin Care

In this day and age of advertising hype, one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the public by various manufacturers is the collagen skin care myth.

There are a couple of reasons why this "scam" is convincing.

First, a little background. When people look for skin care based on collagen, they can mean one of two things. In the first case, they mean a skin care product that will help turn back the clock and make their skin look vibrant, more firm and supple, and with better texture and tone.

Other people mean collagen treatments, such as injections of collagen.

This is where things get tricky. You see, if by collagen skin care, you mean such things as injectable collagen administered by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon, then yes, this can have a real and noticeable effect.

The effect will only be temporary, and it will be painful and costly. But, injectable collagen can plump up areas of your skin and make it look more firm for many months.

But, if by collagen skin care you mean, like I do, an anti aging skin care cream product that contains collagen, then you need to be informed about the reality of such products.

The reality is that these products do not work, despite how slick the bottles, jars, and tubes they come in look. No matter how pretty the celebrity endorsing it. And no matter how expensive and glossy the magazine ad.

This is because collagen cannot be absorbed into the skin. Collagen molecules are simply too big. No need to take my word for it. You can research this reality on any reputable scientific site.

Once you convince yourself of the ineffectiveness of collagen skin care creams or decide that painful, temporary, and expensive collagen treatments are not a course you want to take, then what is the solution?

The solution is to find high quality, scientifically based products that do not contain collagen, but rather contain natural and clinically proven substances that help your body stimulate its own production of collagen.

Yes, that's right. Collagen is still the answer...just not in the way you thought it was.

Here is an example of a substance that has been clinically shown to help your body stimulate its own production of collagen.

Cynergy TK

You've never heard of this before because it's simply not available yet in big named products. It may be one day, but probably not for the next couple of years. It contains Functional keratin TM, which is sourced from New Zealand.

Here's what's important to know:

In addition to stimulating new collagen, functional Keratin(TM) has also been shown to stimulate entirely new skin cells and helps the skin to repair and maintain its health.

In addition, it helps stimulate the production of elastin, another important skin protein, which is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of skin.

In conclusion, as we age, our skin becomes thinner, resulting in sagging. Wrinkles and fine lines appear, whether in the forehead, or around our eyes, or both. Age spots make their appearance, usually after age 40, but sometimes even sooner, depending on sun exposure.

There are indeed effective alternatives to so-called collagen skin care, or even the legitimate but temporary injectable collagen treatments.

And they are available to people living in the Western world thanks to the global Internet. The first step is to simply do your research on how skin ages, and then you'll be much better informed on how to distinguish an authentic product from a hype filled one.

Victoria S. Pedersen is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research:

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