Friday, April 11, 2014

Skin Care of All Ages

Skin care changes as you age. Skin Care is different for different age groups. Your skin will change due to variances like environment, lifestyle and age. You need to make adjustments in your skin car in order to provide the best possible care for your skin. Every age brings along it's own problems and some effective skin treatments as mentioned below can fight with these problems at different stages of your life. If your age 12 and your skin is normal with no dry spots or blackheads. Always use a good soap or face wash. Wash your face twice - in the morning and the evening. Wash well to remove even the last trace of soap and splash with cold water. Apply light moisturising baby lotion to protect the skin and keep it soft.

Age of 20 early signs of damage and wrinkles in skin are visible. It is also inclined to be shiny with open pores and blackheads. Protecting your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation is the most significant thing you can do to prevent wrinkles, sagging, and discoloration. If you use make-up, remove it with a liquid make-up remover at night and complete the procedure by using an astringent. Natural astringents, such as rosewater, cucumber juice or lemon juice mixed with water, will also do. People in their 30's and 40's need to start getting regular facials in addition to daily skin care. They will need to be especially careful with skin around their eyes and use special products made for aging skin. They still need to use sun protection, too.

Oily skin is an ongoing problem, Large pores are another problem you will experience during these years because oily skin and acne contribute to this condition. People age 50 and beyond should stick with a regular skin care routine. Wrinkles and creases show prominently during the 50s. The skin becomes extremely dry. Dark brown spots become common. They should make sure to exfoliate. They should be careful still with the skin in the eye are and also in the neck. Drink plenty of water in your daily skin care regimen, especially after exercising. A good skin care regimen need not take hours every day, but must be, without fail, be attended to every day. They will likely need to moisturize more.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for skin care tips and skin care treatment

For more information visit our skin care section

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