Monday, April 7, 2014

More Tips on Cleansing Skin Care

There are no two ways about it. Life is tough for our poor skin. If it doesn't have to worry about aging and wrinkles, there are pollution, dirt and grime to contend with. A poor diet and lack of exercise combine together to make it dull and lifeless. Proper cleansing skin care is one way to put some life back into our skin.

You may take the right diet and nourish your skin with plenty of vitamins and minerals. But if you do not keep it clean and its pores open, you will have to face a lot of skin problems. Blocked pores are the biggest cause of pimples and ruin the glow and beauty of your skin. Effective cleansing skin care can take care of this problem.

One simple precaution that you can take to keep your skin clear from dirt is to wash it 3-4 times a day with lukewarm water. It will wash away all the dirt deposited on the skin and keep the pores clear. If you want to use a soap, make sure it's a mild one only. Harsh soaps can make your skin dry very quickly. Using a mild cleanser is better as it can cleanse even the inner layers of your skin.

One important point to note here - using the wrong cleanser can actually harm your skin. Fact is - most common skincare products contain many harsh chemicals inside.

Some of the most common ones are Parabens and mineral oil. Parabens are used in these products as preservatives - they increase the shelf life of the creams. What nobody tells you is that they can also cause cancer in the long run.

Mineral oil, although used as a moisturizing agent, actually makes the skin even drier and prone to damage.

Make sure to avoid these and any other type of chemicals in your cleansing cream.

The best option is to use a cleanser that contains natural ingredients only. Not only would it be safer, but more effective too.

For proper cleansing skin care, look for natural substances like Kaolin. This is a special extract from clay and has been used in skincare since thousands of years. It cleanses the skin deeply and also helps in soothing inflamed or irritated skin. It is safe for use for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Bentone Gel is made from clay and contains some emollients too. It works very well in synergy with Kaolin and improves its cleansing ability manifold.

Shea Butter is a light natural fat derived from the Shea tree. It moisturizes the skin effectively and is helpful in treating many skin problems like blemishes, wrinkles, sunburn, and allergies.

So, go ahead and start your cleansing skin care regimen now with the right natural substances. A clean, healthy skin can be yours too now.

Visit my website today to learn about more natural and beneficial skin substances I've discovered that I'd like to share with you.

Frank Langella is a dedicated researcher of skin care health and products. He shares his research on his website - Total Skin Solution. If you want to know how to turn back the clock for your skin, visit - and learn about the skin care line our editors personally use and recommend.

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