Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Uncover the Truth About Skin Care For Men

The truth - skin care is not just for women; skin care for men is now not such an alien subject and companies want to make sure men look their best. Skin care used to be a foreign topic a few years back, but more and more men are now realizing the importance of skin care to maintain a younger looking healthy face.

So now let's start paying attention to your skin and perhaps break some old habits...yes, changes in your routine. The first change is not so difficult because all you do is swap your current product (if it is not gender specific) for a men skin care product.

Now that you have your arsenal, there are only four categories to your routine. You will want to know and learn about the new routine because it will maintain healthy skin.


The men skin care routine begins with cleansing because it helps remove dirt, grease and grime from the skin and also helps prevent pore clogging. The inherent nature of a man's oily skin makes cleansing an important part of the skin care procedure.

Note: The use of soap on the face is discouraged.

That is correct, do not use bar soap on your face. You use bar soap on all other parts of your body like feet, underarms, and unmentionable places so why would you even want to use it on you face? Besides,bar soap strips everything off of your skin

It is good for most areas of your body, but not so the good on your face. However, you can get a product that specifically says facial cleanser.


The guys' skin care centers around shaving. Shaving foam, gel or cream and after shave lotion are a couple of important skin care products.

Note: Men should avoid alcohol-based aftershaves.

Shaving gives your face a minor exfoliation (removes layer of dead skin) and possible nicks, so your face will burn if you slap on an alcohol-based aftershave! Look for a shaving balm without alcohol, or even use a facial moisturizer (it will do the trick), because it will not only soothe but heal your skin.

It should also be noted that razors are important. The use of a good quality razor such as a swivel-head razors is preferable because they are known to reduce cuts.

In addition to these products and equipment, it's also necessary that you properly use them. Be gentle when using your razor - use a soft and smooth action...after all it's a matter of removing hair, not the skin itself!


A man's skin is generally thicker and oilier as a result of the larger pores and more active sebaceous glands. However, as a result of regular shaving, the skin can get dehydrated quite easily. Therefore, moisturizers should form an integral part of the skin care for men routine.

Don't skip on moisturizing because if you do you will be more vulnerable to fine lines and wrinkles due to dehydration. There are various moisturizers available for men, from fragrance free to SPF protection.


Although men's skin is less susceptible to skin cancer caused by UV radiation, the use of a sunscreen is also important in the skin care practice - use a moisturizer that combines sunscreen with the moisturizing effect.

Another good choice for men skin care is the use of skin care products containing natural ingredients such as aloe Vera, sea salt and coconut. Natural antiseptic oils such as lavender and tea tree are also a good skin care means for men.

So there you have it, the truth about skin care for men - it's not as difficult as many people think. All it takes is a few minutes a day so you have healthy skin now and for the future!

Marcia Kruger is a dedicated researcher of skin care health and products. She shares her research on her website

If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines and damaged skin, visit now to learn about the skin care line Marcia personally recommends.

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