Monday, October 7, 2013

Rejuvenating Skin Care - Which Method Works Best?

Rejuvenating skin care is continuing to grow each and every year across the entire world.  Let me ask you a simple question: Have you had enough of all the wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, age spots, and other aging signs on your skin?  If so, then this article will help you decide which rejuvenating skin care method is right for you.

The traditional procedures for skin rejuvenation are dermabrasion and chemical peels.  They both involve the removal of the entire outer layer of your skin, the epidermis.  Basically, they produce controlled injury to the skin so it can form a whole new epidermis.

The difference between the two is the means to which they get the end results.  Chemical peels use the application of various chemicals (based on the degree of injury you want).  Dermabrasion uses abrasive tools to do the same thing.

The upside to these rejuvenating skin care methods is they produce pretty good results.  But the many drawbacks and risks that come with them tend to outweigh the results for most people.  These kind of procedures tend to be painful, there's risk of permanent scarring and skin pigmentation, it can take a month or so for redness and swelling to completely heal, the results are only temporary, and the area worked on must be covered in dressings for most of the time.

The other rejuvenating skin care method is the use of topical creams and lotions.  These are usually the favorite choice for most people, but many never get the results they're looking for.  In most cases, it's because they choose the wrong kind of products (as it's very common for skin care companies to produce sub-par products).  Plus. they can take longer to produce significant results.

However, this is the more natural approach to rejuvenating skin care.  Not only are they much safer, they are WAY less expensive, less risky, and they produce long-lasting results if used on a consistent basis.

I personally use topical rejuvenating skin care products to keep my skin looking youthful and vibrant, and I've had great success with them.  I just feel like a more natural and holistic approach to skin care is better for the skin's health in the long run.

Finding the best rejuvenating skin care products all comes down to how they are formulated and the ingredients they contain.  Make sure that they contain EFFECTIVE INGREDIENTS in HIGH CONCENTRATION.  And make sure that they properly address the major causes of aging, which are:

*Loss of collagen and elastin protein in the skin

*Damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress

*Low levels of hyaluronic acid in skin cells

You can learn all about these major causes of aging and the ingredients that best address these problems, as well as the rejuvenating skin care products I use on a daily basis by visiting my website listed below.

Caroline Richie is a long time user and passionate admirer of natural skin care. Visit her site now and discover the cutting-edge ingredients and anti aging solutions she recommends and uses after years of research and trial-and-error with all sorts of products ---> Go to

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