Saturday, September 28, 2013

What You Need For Your Wrinkle Cure and Anti Aging Skin Care Solutions to Work Effectively

There are tons of wrinkle cures and anti aging skin care products on the market today that promise clear and smooth skin. Unfortunately, only a few of them actually work well. Why is this? Well, it all comes down to one important thing: the active ingredients that are used in the product's formula.

Before we get into ingredients, let's narrow down our choices of skin care products considerably. If you want to get the best results possible, stick with all-natural or organic products. Organic products use powerful all-natural ingredients that do not harm your skin. Also, don't go looking for products at your local drugstore or department store. These products are cheap, and for a good reason. The ingredients they use are often cheap and not natural, meaning they can cause negative side effects on your skin. And chances are, you won't experience too much results using these kinds of products.

An effective wrinkle cure and aging skin care product only uses the best active ingredients to reverse the signs of aging. There are probably more ingredients than there are skin care products out there, so it's very important to know what to look for. Let's go over a few key ingredients that you should look for, and why.

One of the best ingredients to fight off signs of aging is active manuka honey, which is gathered from the manuka tree found uncultivated in New Zealand. Active manuka honey contains scientifically-proven healing properties for the skin. It's special enzymes give it amazing antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Manuka honey will even help cure skin blemishes and stimulate your immune system. This was only been able to be included in any aging skin care product recently, as a U.S. company found a way to convert the honey to a powder form. Now, it's a must-have ingredient.

Make sure to look for natural vitamin E in any wrinkle cure or aging skin care product. Natural vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that combats damaging effects on your skin. It's also been scientifically shown to reverse the effects of aging on the skin, significantly reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks. Just make sure the wrinkle cure and aging skin care product you choose does not contain a synthetic form of vitamin E, as it's not nearly as effective.

One more ingredient you should look is shea butter. Shea butter is a wonderful moisturizer rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, and many essential fatty acids. The moisturizers in shea butter are practically identical to those produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. It's really good at smoothing out wrinkles and stretch marks. Because it contains a large "healing fraction", regular use of it can alleviate many kinds of skin problems, including aging signs, sunburns, eczema, skin allergies, and other skin conditions. In just four to six weeks, shea butter can make your skin softer, smoother, and younger looking.

But most importantly, an effective wrinkle cure and aging skin care product will contain ingredients that target the three main causes of aging. These are 1) loss of collagen and elastin, 2) damage caused by free radicals, and 3) low levels of hyaluronic acid.

To learn which ingredients best target these three causes of aging, and to learn which ingredients you should avoid in any skin care product, go to

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