Monday, September 23, 2013

Sensitive Skin Care - Find Out How Most Sensitive Skin Products Can Actually Damage Your Skin

I'm sure that you have noticed that it has become tremendously difficult to find sensitive skin care creams and lotions on the market. It seems that even though there are many creams available that are marketed as sensitive skin products they simply do not fit the bill. It really shouldn't be as difficult as it is to find skin care products that won't irritate your skin.

The problem with the majority of sensitive skin care creams is that they contain ingredients such as various alcohols that dry, and irritate your skin. Of course the dozens of other chemicals of which the popular products are made could very well have something to do with the redness, and irritation. Many of these chemicals cause a high number of allergic reactions, which actually could be what you are suffering.

Dermatologists have stated that the chemicals in sensitive skin products as well as others are the number one cause for the cases that they see. The U.S. FDA has tried to take measures banning the use of these chemical agents used in cosmetics products, but have thus far been turned back by the courts. It is a shame when even the regulatory agencies can do nothing to improve the quality, and safety of our cosmetics.

Of course you have far more to worry about from the chemical agents in sensitive skin care creams than simple allergic reactions, and irritations. Many of the ingredients that are commonly used in the big name cosmetics products have been proven to cause cancer when they are absorbed into the body. I suggest that you avoid such products in favor of those that contain only natural ingredients in them.

The best type of ingredients for sensitive skin products to contain are plant based oils, and extracts. These contain properties that more closely resemble those of our skins own oil than any other ingredients that are available. Not only are plant based ingredients gentle and soothing to your skin, but they also are excellent antioxidants, so they will heal damaged skin.

Sensitive skin care products that contain a wealth of antioxidants are important in order to repair all of the damage that free radicals have done to your skin over the years. Aside from the antioxidants that you receive from the plant based ingredients in your products you will also want the inclusion of Natural vitamin E, and nano-emulsified CoenzymeQ10.

How would you like it if I told you that there is a line of sensitive skin products that was developed in New Zealand that would significantly increase the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in your skin all through the use of all natural ingredients? I would think that you would be itching to try a product that not only did not irritate your skin, but would also take years off of your appearance.

All natural is how a sensitive skin care cream should be. You need to switch from the brands that you are currently using and give these collagen building products a try. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by using them.

Visit my website today to discover more potent natural substances that help to keep your skin radiant and healthy.

Take a moment to visit my site now at

Rachel Hammond is a dedicated researcher and user of high quality natural sensitive skin care Discover the very latest, natural and effective anti-aging skin care products Rachel recommends after extensive research.

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