Sunday, September 22, 2013

Simple Natural Recipes For Skin Care

For centuries there have been natural recipes for skin care even the Romans used milk and honey to soften the skin. There are many recipes that women have develop to make the skin wrinkle free like using olive oil. Nowadays even though there are many options like skin care products, creams, lotion and treatments, most people are scared of the side effects that most products produce.

It has become very common for cosmetic companies to use chemical ingredients in their products and that cause secondary effects such as irritation, inflammation, dryness and blemishes. On the other hand natural skin care recipes are easy to make and are inexpensive, you can do them in your kitchen.

Here are some helpful skin care natural recipes:

- Raw eggs make an excellent face mask that exfoliates the skin and it is inexpensive. Mix two eggs, honey, water and apply to your face.

- To hydrate your skin, remove puffiness and eliminate under eye bags apply cucumber in your face. It also reduces the appearance of lines and makes your skin soft. Combine witch hazel, put it in a glass jar and store it in your refrigerator for three days. Then apply to your face with a cotton ball.

- Use plain yogurt to moisture and clean your skin. Mix a little honey with plain yogurt, then apply it to your face and leave it for 10 minutes.

- To exfoliate your skin, mix half cup of cornmeal, a quarter cup of milk, 4 drops of tea tree oil, a little olive oil and 2 spoons of baking soda in to a paste and apply it to your face.

As you can see those are some very simple natural skin care recipes that you can do at your home any day without buying any expensive ingredients. However some people don't have the time to do their own recipes or just want to apply the solution, therefore skin care creams can help.

However as i said before not all creams are good for your skin and many are harmful. Look for skin care creams that do not contain harmful chemicals, only contain natural ingredients that increase collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Natural ingredients have some powerful anti aging properties that chemical ingredients don't. Click Here to Discover The shocking truth on the real Natural Anti aging Skin Care Creams that dramatically reduce wrinkles, eye bags, dark circles, fine lines, hydrate your skin and make you look years younger without any side effect.
Improve your Skin dramatically and prevent Skin Wrinkles by using the best skin care line

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