Friday, July 19, 2013

Why New Mums and Babies Need Natural Skin Care Products

If you're a new mum, or dad, then you'll want the best for your baby. As well as the best love and care, and upbringing, you'll also want to make sure that your baby is as healthy as possible too. Why not start off with their skin?

Here's why new mums and babies need natural skin products.

1. Natural skin care products are best for your skin, and will help to ensure that your skin looks good and feels replenished and well moisturised.

2. Using natural products is best for baby's skin too. You wouldn't use lots of chemicals and unsuitable products on your skin, so why use them on your baby's delicate skin?

3. Because being pregnant takes a lot out of your body, as all the body's efforts are used to help the baby grow, you'll want to make sure that your body and skin has all the vital nutrients it needs in order to function properly, so that you can concentrate on looking after your baby.

4. As you'll have less time to spend on yourself, you'll want to make sure that you use good quality products that work well on your skin. You can't afford to have to moisturise several times a day with a lesser moisturiser, or have to try lots of different of different brands to find that works for you after you've had your baby.

5. It's important that you do make time for yourself once in a while, so you'll want to use skin care products with proven results, that you know aren't going to cause skin irritation, or be harmful to your baby if you're breastfeeding.

6. If you do get the time to relax in a long bath, then you'll want to make the most of it. perhaps using some good quality organic skin care bath products will help you recharge your batteries and feel able to face the world again.

7. Used before the birth of your baby, some natural skin care products can actually help to lessen the effects of stretch marks. In addition, there are dedicated ant stretch mark creams that will help to prevent stretch marks. If you're determined to get your pre baby figure back, and want to wear a bikini again, then you'll want to reduce the chances of stretch marks.

8. As a new parent, you'll be extremely protective about your baby's skin, and won't want your baby to come into contact with anything that could irritate your baby's skin. Using natural skin care products will help ensure that your baby has smooth well nourished skin, and is less likely to suffer from rashes and skin irritations.

9. Organic skin care products are ideal for people with delicate skin, and for those who are careful about the sort of food they eat and the products they use on their skin. If you eat organic food, rather than food treated with chemicals, why wouldn't you want to use natural skin care products on your baby and yourself?

10. Using natural products is definitely a good start for your baby, and because you're careful about what your baby eats, and wears, why shouldn't you be concerned about the products you use on his or her new skin?

Now you know more about why it's important to use organic cosmetics on yourself and your baby, is it time you tried natural skin care products?

If you want to use Natural Skin Care products for yourself, or for your baby, then you'll find a wide range of organic cosmetics at Whether you're looking for organic baby clothes, maternity wear, pregnancy essentials or Gifts For New Baby, you'll find that Mum's The Word has everything you need. If you're pregnant, a new mum, or know a new baby, then remember, Mum's The Word.

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