Saturday, July 20, 2013

How Good Are You at Natural Skin Care Shopping?

Before you start buying products from a "so-called" natural skin care company, there are a few things that you need to know. Many of us are trying to avoid toxins, allergens and irritants. So, natural skin care shopping has become more common-place. But, you cannot rely solely on company claims, if you want the safest ingredients.

For example, the ZIA natural skin care company makes a daily moisturizer with several sunscreens and an SPF rating of 15. First of all, major health organizations have warned that relying solely on sunscreen is not the best way to prevent skin-cancer. You need to avoid overexposure, wear protective clothing and use a broad spectrum zinc oxide sun-block on exposed areas.

Second, some of the sun screening compounds have been shown to promote free radical damage to DNA within the cells, which makes them probable carcinogens. One of them, oxybenzone, is included in the ZIA product.

Third, the daily use of sunscreen may contribute to vitamin D deficiencies, which are now prevalent among the elderly. So, when you are doing your natural skin care shopping, the best solution is to look for ingredients that prevent and repair free radical damage. Sunscreens are not really beneficial for that purpose. Antioxidants are.

A recent survey conducted by the US FDA showed that most people believe that a natural skin care company must use all-natural ingredients. That may or may not be true. The FDA has been unable to enact legislation that would define the term "natural". So, there are no existing regulations for US companies. The term may mean anything or nothing at all.

That makes natural skin care shopping harder for the average consumer. The term "hypoallergenic" is also unregulated. It does not mean that the product does not contain known allergens. Even naturally occurring ingredients can cause allergic reactions. The most common allergens are concentrated fragrances derived from plants.

When you do some natural skin care shopping, you will often see the term "natural-fragrance" or "essential oil" listed on the label. A small amount, for use as a perfume, is fine, but creams and lotions should be free of added fragrances.

The term "essential oil" can be misleading. Essential fatty acids are often found in plant and vegetable oils. But, the phrase essential oil is used to refer to fragrances distilled from plants and concentrated to convey the "essence" or aroma of the plant. When applied directly to the skin, that kind of "essential oil" can cause redness and irritation.

There is a really good natural skin care company in New Zealand. Thanks to the internet, people all over the world can order their products. They contain all-natural ingredients, including essential fatty acids, not concentrated essential oil.

Natural skin care shopping can be risky with other companies. The FDA recommends that consumers test all products on a small area, before continuing use. I suggest you look for the New Zealand natural skin care company. Even customers with very sensitive skin have been satisfied.

Visit my site to learn about more amazing natural skin care substances you have probably never heard of.

Laurel is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research:

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