Monday, July 15, 2013

The Basics of Skin Care

Everyone in the world has some issue or another with their skin...even if it doesn't appear so. There are all kinds of skin issues from dry skin to oily skin, acne to psoriasis and rosacea, and even highly irritable skin. That being said, let's start off with the skin care basics that everyone needs to follow.

First of all you will need to find a cleanser that matches your skin type and does well with your skin. You can pick up facial cleansers at pretty much any drug store, big box store, grocery store and even department stores. You can also get a prescription for special cleansers from your dermatologist. You should probably stay away from bar soaps as they have a tendency to dry the skin out and are not meant for use on your face. If you have dry skin then you should try a creamy consistency cleanser and for oily skin a clear cleanser will work best. Your dermatologist can recommend one for you or a make-up consultant at a department store can match one to your skin type. Always ensure that you do not cleanse too often though. You should use warm water to clear clogged pores and loosen dirt and then a small bit of facial cleanser as directed.

The second step in basic skin care is exfoliating. A lot of women tend to skip this step. Think about this though...most men have smooth facial skin. Why is that? Their faces are exfoliated daily when they shave. Do you see a correlation here? Exfoliation basically means removing the top layer of dead skin cells from your face thereby leaving your skin not only smoother but younger looking as well. There are many ways to exfoliate. You can buy a scrub with microdermabrasion beads and do it yourself or get a chemical peel or even use retinoid like Retina-A.

Step three in skin care is to moisturize. Every single person (except acne sufferers) should moisturize daily. Moisturizing is essential to sealing the moisture into your skin. If your skin is tight, it definitely needs a moisturizer. You can get moisturizers in many price ranges and just about anywhere just like you can with the facial cleansers. Your skin will let you know just how much moisturizer to use too. If it gets too oily, then you are moisturizing too much. If it gets too dry, then obviously you are not moisturizing enough. Listen to your skin and it will guide you.

Lastly in the basic skin care regimen is the sunscreen. Everyone knows that the sun has harmful rays and can cause skin cancer, wrinkles, and spots. We tend not to think about sunscreen unless we know we will be in the sun for long periods of time, but any exposure at all can be harmful to the delicate cells in your skin. You should even wear it on cloudy days. In all actuality, you should have two different sunscreens. One for the day that has UV protection and one for night.

If you follow these four basic skin care steps, you can rest assured that your skin will stay looking younger and feeling smoother for longer than if you do not follow a specific skin care regimen. Take very good care of your skin, it has to last you a lifetime.

Bob has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in skin care, nutrition, and healthy skin, you can also check out his latest writings about High Back Office Chair Which reviews and lists the best High Back Leather Office Chairs.

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