Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Staying Young With a Good Skin Care Cream

No matter where you live, or what time of year it is, a good skin care cream and even a good skin care moisturizer cream is essential.

If you're like me and live in a colder region, you're used to the dryness and itching that is accompanied with the winter months, especially when you step out of the shower. It seems that this side effect worsens the older we get, but this one tops the charts for me.

But the more I have come to know about dry skin, the more I realize that there's also an imbalance within my own body that I cannot solely blame on the winter months. Basically the older we get, the more our own body's important moisturizing proteins break down and cause dryness as well as unwanted wrinkles and other signs of aging.

After doing research and trying out countless products, I have come to learn how to combat the effects of aging for my own skin. I have also come to realize that there must be solutions out there that are not just effective, but also safe.

Here's what I have found Skin care cream comes in many varieties and there are several reasons to use them as mentioned above. But the skin care moisturizer cream that you want to look for the most, will have ingredients that help offset your body's slowing down of the creation of create collagen and elastin.

Basically when we grow older, our bodies start to lose the effectiveness of these two very important proteins. When this happens, these proteins break down and cause an outcome in the form of wrinkles, dryness, loss of elasticity of the skin and even loss of the vibrant color we once had in our youth. Just knowing what to look for puts you ahead of all of the hype and drama produced by many of the household brand name products.

When it comes to skin care cream, or even a good skin care moisturizer cream, there are some that stand out from the crowd.

But first, let's talk about ingredients to avoid.

For example, if you look closely at the product, you don't want to see alcohol within the ingredient list. Think about it, alcohol itself does the exact opposite of moisturizing. In fact, it can be unhealthy for your skin by dehydrating and irritating it or causing other unwanted side effects.

Next, you don't want to see paraffin wax within the content. The effects of paraffin can cause your body the loss of natural oils that are imperative to healthy skin. Most commonly paraffin is used to remove hair or as a cover that can trap moisture in, which can cause your skin to lose it's natural ability to breath and release toxins. This is the exact type of exposure that causes dry rot in wood. Do you want that happening to your skin?

What I have found plain and simple is the effective use of something called Keratin. Keratin is found in sheep's wool and has been used in skin care moisture cream for years. But you have to be careful, not all Keratin within a product is created equal. For example, if you find a skin care cream that contains Keratin, you must keep in mind that many of these products lose their effectiveness by de-naturalizing the ingredient through a process called hydrolyzation.

This is a process that actually applies acids and high temperatures to the rendering of the product basically making it ineffective. In short, it takes away the attributes of the Keratin and leaves the product short of producing desirable results.

To learn more about the ultimate Keratin product called Cynergy TK, or other ingredients including ones found in some skin care cream products that could actually be harmful to your skin, please visit my site.

Ellen Gardner is a passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensively researching the skin care market: [].

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