Monday, July 1, 2013

Facial Skin Care Products - You Have the Right to Expect Better Results

People often underestimate the importance of facial skin care and the products that are used in order to achieve the best results. Too often, either facial care is neglected, or the products that you are using are simply not up to par for the task.

So how do you know a good product from a bad one?

One of the first things that you want to be able to do in order to discern whether or not a facial skin care product is going to be both safe and effective is to read the ingredients label. The label can go a long way towards letting you know whether or not it is a product that you want to put on, or one that you want to put down.

You can never be too careful when buying facial care products, because most of the products that you will happen across will contain potentially harmful ingredients in them. These chemically based creams and lotions are to be avoided like the plague, because the resulting health problems can be very serious.

Many of these ingredients commonly found in over the counter facial skin care products are known to be carcinogenic in nature, and do not belong in any product that is meant to be absorbed by the skin. These chemical agents settle in the body's tissue eventually, and as they continue to build up they will begin to cause changes in your cells.

These changes are what predispose you to contracting various types of cancer - most notably breast cancer. There is a widely used family of preservatives in facial care products that have actually been found inside the tumors of female breast cancer victims. That is a very frightening fact.

What you want to see on the ingredients label of your facial skin care creams and lotions are simple, pure, natural ingredients that are mainly plant based in origin. Plant based oils are the most readily absorbable by the skin due to the similar properties that they share with the oil of our own skin.

There should also be natural vitamins and antioxidants in your facial care formula instead of watered down synthetic versions which are not nearly as potent. Your skin needs as many different antioxidants as it can get in order to rid itself of damaging free radicals, and to repair the damage that they have caused.

Your facial skin care product should also contain proteins which stimulate the increased production of collagen and elastin in your skin.

You don't believe that there is any such thing? Well, up until a very recent discovery by a health and beauty aids manufacturer in New Zealand, there wasn't.

Now though, we have facial care formulas containing Cynergy TK with Functional Keratin which has the power to cause the regeneration of skin cells, and the re-growth of lost collagen and elastin. The New Zealanders' products have done much to level the playing field in the battle against aging skin.

Give their facial skin care program a try, and you'll never go back to the products that you used to buy.

If you are serious about the health of your skin, click here to get free advice on how to effectively improve your skin's appearance and long term health. Maureen Devine is a consumer advocate and a dedicated researcher of quality skin care products. Visit her website now at to see what skin care products Maureen personally recommends after extensive research. She feels strongly that we all deserve smoother, healthier, younger looking skin without the worry of potentially harmful ingredients.

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