Friday, July 5, 2013

Anti Aging Skin Care, a Lay Person Guide and Treatment

Our anti aging skin care guide is a little different from the ordinary. We believe (as do many experts) that anti aging skin care treatment should be mild, non-irritating and free of synthetic chemicals. We have nothing to sell here, only a little advice.

90% of all your wrinkles, fine lines and other outward signs of "old age" were caused by overexposure to the sun. Most of it happened before the age of 20. UV radiation changes collagen and elastin fibers so that they do not reproduce and repair skin cells correctly.

That does not mean that you cannot undo the damage and prevent additional wrinkling, it simply means that you have to provide the right ingredients, so that your body can heal itself.

Good nutrition and plenty of pure water are of the utmost importance. Already you probably see that this anti aging skin care guide is unusual. Most guides focus on products and anti aging skin care treatment, masks and facials.

While some of them are good, the skin is an organ of the body. You have to take care of it and protect it in the same way that you would any other of your body's organs.

Every anti aging skin care guide that we have seen promotes using a sunscreen with a high SPF rating. That is a debatable subject. First, SPF is an imperfect measure of damage because UV A radiation does not cause burning or pain.

Sunscreens only effectively block UV B rays. SPF means "sunburn protection factor". It may protect you from a burn, but could actually increase your risk or age related skin problems and malignant melanomas.

Even those products labeled "broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection" are ineffective against UVA, which can only really be blocked by zinc oxide, avobenzone, and ecamsule. For a long day outdoors, one of these should be used, but they are too thick for daily use.

It has become common to see sunscreen included in anti aging skin care treatment, but instead of providing greater protection, they are increasing your risks.

A better option for daily anti aging skin care treatment is to replace the COQ10 which is quickly depleted by exposure to the sun. You may already be taking it in supplement form, but there are new creams that combine it with vitamin E in an emulsion that can be absorbed through the skin's layers, replenishing, moisturizing, repairing and protecting.

Free radical production increases astronomically while you are in the sunlight. The lotion mentioned above literally soaks up free radicals as it penetrates through the layers. It's been proven in clinical trials to improve the appearance and health of the face, neck and hands.

Exfoliation, microdermabrasion and chemical acids that burn away the outermost skin-layer are often recommended in an anti aging skin care guide. The idea is that the outer layer is damaged and the layers underneath look younger, tighter, better.

It is also suggested that it is necessary to remove dead skin-cells to make the face look "brighter" and "more radiant".

Well, as we get older, the layers actually become thinner. Harsh chemicals, scrubbing, scraping and exfoliating bead are doing more damage than good. Dead cells are removed with daily mild cleanser. Excessive rubbing irritates and thins.

Removing that top layer increases your exposure to UV radiation. There is a long list of harms done by these methods of anti aging skin care treatment. They are too numerous to mention here.

To complete this anti aging skin care guide; Nourish, support and protect your face, hands and body. Take care of your skin and it will take care of you.

Michiele Lee is a passionate and dedicated Researcher/writer which focused in assisting consumers on money saving tips and information on anti aging Skin care,Beauty and Health Products. She shares her research, tips and information on her website

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