Saturday, April 13, 2013

Oily Skin Care - 6 Sure-Fire Tips For Less Oil in Your Skin and Fewer Embarrassing Pimples and Spots

Don't you just hate it when you are with someone you want to impress ... and slowly you realize your oily skin is showing.

The other person is stealing discreet glances at your face. And you are feeling increasingly embarrassed that your oily skin care is obviously not working today!

Here are six suggestions that can help you get better oily skin care.

First though, the greasy shine from your natural oils is not all bad. Oily skin ages slower than other types. And because skin normally dries with age as the sebum in the body naturally decreases, oily teenage skin will almost certainly clear up in time.

But, let's face it, oily skin is thick and dull, and if you have it bad your pores and pimples will be bigger and more embarrassing, and you will probably get more blackheads.

So you need oily skin care products and routines. Here are those six tips that work.

Clean with soap and hot water (not cold or warm water) to make sure your pores are not clogged. Hot water opens your pores best and lets this cleaning take effect. Use an antibacterial cleansing lotion or a hand soap that is lightly medicated.

Use mild oily skincare products, that do not completely remove all the natural oil in your skin. Taking too much oil away will encourage your skin to flake. Or, in extreme cases, reactive seborrhoea will set in and your oil glands will over-compensate and produce more than normal quantities of oil.

If your oily skin care product leaves your skin feeling tight and overly dry, get rid of it. That tight feeling comes because the product caused the top layers of your skin to shrink and that will block your pores as well as leave you feeling uncomfortable.

Contrary to what you might think, the best oily skin care products are oil-based because sebum dissolves best in them. But use an oil-free moisturizer, because these will reduce the unwanted shine on your skin.

And while you should rub your face massage-style when cleaning it, take care to not rub soap into your skin -- as that will block your pores!

If you would like to experiment with a clay mask or mud mask use white or rose clays.

Whatever you do with these six tips, use only special oily skincare products. With oily skin, care needs to be taken. It is just too easy to block your pores and exacerbate the problems.

So there you have it. If you'd like further tips and suggestions for oily skin care, may I suggest you visit my web site,, for more information and a recommendation of oily skincare products that work.

William Leonard is writing expertly on skin care and skin care products from his web site - Click there now to read more about skin care and see his recommendations for oily skin care.

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