Sunday, April 14, 2013

Skin Care Cream - A No-Holds-Barred Guide to Proving If Your Present Cream is an Expensive Fake

When was the last time you wondered if your skin care cream was doing the job?

Lots of people have this thought. They use skin care cream every day, but still they some problems with their skin. The sag is showing, the lines are appearing ...

At this point its natural to think you might need to try something new, like another skin care moisturizer cream. Well, hold on to your money right now. You might not have to change anything!

All you have to do is know what ingredients an effective skin care cream should have, and then check it yours has them.

The first thing good skin care cream has is a proven method to stimulate new collagen and elastin production in your skin.

If your cream can to this, it ought to be mentioned somewhere in the fine print on the packaging.

Collagen is a long, fibrous protein and its one of the main supports for your tissues and cells. It's strong and can stretch. It's a major component of healthy skin and because you have it, your skin is strong and pliable. But as you age, your collagen breaks down and this makes your skin wrinkle and look older. So a good, simple skin care cream or skin care moisturizer cream will carry compounds that encourage your body's natural processes to gently rejuvenate your supply of collagen and stop it running down.

Elastin is also a protein. You find it in the tissues that join things together in your body. Elastin makes it possible for tissue to resume its shape after it has been stretched or contracted. It helps skin to return to its normal position when it have been poked or pinched. It is an important load-bearing tissue and you will find it in those areas where your body needs to store mechanical energy. Again, you cannot rub this in to your body, but a good skin care cream will contain compounds which will encourage your body to naturally produce Elastin

So, look for this on the label.

The second thing an effective skin care cream will do is hydrate your skin. Check for this effect also.

Of course if you are using a skin care moisturizer cream, you can almost assume your skin is getting the hydration it needs. But our body is mostly water, and your skin, with is the largest bodily organ you have, requires water to remain pliable and soft to the touch. None of like a chapped or cracked skin, and hydration helps in this.

Finally does your skin care cream smooth out lines and wrinkles?

There are creams that will gently pass moisture into the areas of skin around the lines and wrinkles on you face. As this happens, the skin at the line puffs up ever so slightly. Temporarily, this makes the skin smoother and removes the lines. It is amazing. So you will want this effect in your skin care cream.

There is a lot more detail that I could write about, but I hope this is enough to help you on to some more research into good skin care moisturizer cream.

Actually, do yourself a favor and make your next research project my own web site,, because I've got useful information and recommendations there about skin care cream and skin care moisturizer cream in particular.

Click over there now and find out more about skin creams that really can restore your skin and bring back that youthfulness you had.

William Leonard is writing expertly on skin care and skin care products from his web site Click there now to read more about skin care and see his recommendations for skin care cream that works.

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