Thursday, April 11, 2013

Skin Care Moisturizer Cream That Restores Health and Radiance

If taking care of your skin is important to you, then I'm sure you're aware of the overwhelming number of skin care products available to you. Finding a skin care moisturizer cream that you can trust to be effective and safe is sometimes a difficult thing to do. Let's take a look at some things you should consider as you look for the best moisturizers for your skin.

To find a skin care moisturizer cream that stands out as being superior to most on the market, you will want to look beyond the shelves of your local drugstore. It is actually the small niche skin care companies that produce the most effective products.

The large manufacturers of skin care creams and lotions put most of their efforts and budgets into marketing, trying to get you to purchase their inferior products. Take for instance, collagen. For the last 20 years these companies have been telling us how important collagen is to our skin, and they're right.

However, the reason they've been telling us this is because they want us to purchase their creams and lotions that contain collagen. What they are not telling us is that science has proven that collagen cannot be absorbed into the skin. In other words these creams that contain collagen will do nothing to improve the health of your skin.

Instead, some of the small niche skin care companies have put their research into producing effective skin care products. Two ingredients that these companies have begun using because of their effectiveness is a well known moisturizer, avocado oil along with a newly developed ingredient called Cynergy TK.

Both of these ingredients are very effective moisturizers and are easily absorbed deep into the skin providing nutrients that heal deep inside. Avocado oil contains vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids that keep the skin moist while building healthy tissue. It has also been shown in recent studies to help increase the production of collagen.

Cynergy TK is a recently developed skin cream ingredient that contains the protein, keratin. Studies have shown as Cynergy TK to increase the moisture content of the skin by as much as 28%. In addition to this, it is able to deliver the keratin deep into the skin where it also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

The result of using these two simple ingredients is that wrinkles and fine lines begin to fill out while healthy tissue is built into the skin. These are the types of ingredients that you will want to be looking for if you want a skincare moisturizer cream that is going to give you long-term results.

On my website you'll find a detailed description of these and other natural ingredients that rebuild dry and damage skin.

Eileen Tobin has been an avid researcher and writer on natural health and nutrition topics for many years and is a passionate advocate of healthy skin care alternatives. Read what she has to say about effective skin care and one particular innovative skin care brand she recommends on her website now at:

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