Monday, April 29, 2013

Choosing the Best Skin Care Products - How to Avoid the Inferior Ones

Would you choose to just throw money out of the window by buying skin products that turn out to give you absolutely no value for money? But that's what can happen to you unless you know what to watch out for to really get a good return on your investment in one of your most valuable assets - your skin. This article aims to give you some pointers in choosing the best skin care products available.

So what are you looking for when you buy creams and lotions for your skin? Is it something to smooth out the wrinkles, to reduce the bags under your eyes, deeply moisturize, stop flakiness, reduce oiliness? Whatever it is you need, the most important thing for you is to know a bit about what different skin care products can actually do for you before you even consider parting with your money.

How about if we quickly look at what causes some of the most common skin problems? Let's start with something as common as wrinkles. Have you any idea why your skin starts to form them? This is due to the fact that, as you age, your skin gets depleted of collagen and elastin which are 2 proteins responsible for giving structure and elasticity to your skin. Collagen makes up about 75 of your skin and it begins to naturally degrade when you are in your mid twenties. Added to this all sorts of environmental factors, such as cigarette smoke, UVB rays and chlorinated water, play a role in further depleting it.

You might think that the best skin care products to use in this case would be those containing collagen and elastin to supplement the degradation of these proteins in your skin. However, you would be far from the truth. Neither of them can penetrate your skin due to the fact their molecular structure is too large. So applying them topically really is a waste of time. Ideally you would need to look for some product that stimulates your skin to produce more collagen and elastin by itself. A real insider tip for this and something you will find in most quality skin care products is Cynergy TK, which has been proven in tests to also stimulate skin cell growth and generally rejuvenating your skin. This is definitely an ingredient to find out more about.

What about the problem of flakiness and dryness? This one actually goes hand in hand with the problem of greasy skin as both of them are due to an imbalance of sebum. Sebum (the latin word for fat) is an oily substance which is excreted by the sebaceous glands in your skin. If too much of it is produced, you can have problems with acne and very oily skin. On the other hand, too little can result in dryness. Luckily there are many natural substances which can regulate an imbalance in your sebum production. Jojoba and babassu oil do a fabulous job and kaolin is excellent for regulating greasiness, drawing out oil and absorbing impurities.

And I'm sure that you would also want quality skin care products that effectively and deeply moisturize your skin. Have you ever tried shea butter? This makes your skin so smooth and silky, reduces scars and blemishes and even smooths out wrinkles without leaving your skin feeling greasy. And there are so many other ones that do the same - avocado oil, active manuka honey, jojoba oil, and many more.

So you need ingredients to deeply moisturize your skin, stimulate collagen and elastin production and new skin cell growth, give antioxidant protection and be totally natural with no known side-effects. This way you can be sure to avoid any inferior products.

One of the best skin care products that I can recommend offers all of these benefits. Why not have a look at my website today before throwing any more money away.

Fiona S. is an avid researcher and writer on natural health and nutrition topics and for many years has been a passionate advocate of healthy skin care alternatives. Read what she has to say about one particular cutting-edge skin care brand she recommends on her website now at:

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