Saturday, February 2, 2013

Organic Skin Care Tips for Mature Skin

Mature Skin


Less politely called wrinkled and withered skin (shame on you if that is how you refer to mature folks), mature skin is considered mature when it loses tone, begins to sag, and fine lines and wrinkles become increasingly apparent. This type of skin is more prone to hyper-pigmentation, age spots, freckles, and/or liver spots. Mature skin is most often a dryer type skin since oily skin is well lubricated and does not develop fine lines and wrinkles as fast. For this reason, if you suffered from oily skin for a good amount of your life, you will be delighted to know that you will likely have less wrinkles than all your friends if you take care of yourself. The onset of mature skin for most people begins around fifty, however genetics and lifestyle choices paired with prolonged proper skin care, or lack there of, can extend that number to sixty or shorten it to forty. The idea is to extend this number past sixty with great common sense lifestyle choices: reduce sun exposure, don't drink in excess, avoid smoking, eat a well balanced diet, exercise, and take proper care of your skin for each stage of your life. The onset of mature skin is often caused by environmental factors as well. Keep in mind that mature skin loves high temperature and high humidity; just remember to keep out of the sun or use proper sun protection in these types of climates.

Organic Skin Care Recommendations:

Much like dry skin, one of the main themes in taking care of mature skin is moisture retention. Moisture will lubricate the skin and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. For this reason, you want to stay away from drying soaps at all cost and use milk, cream, and clay based cleansers. High fat oils and creams from seeds, milk, oats, and dairy are great for mature skin because they do exactly what the skin needs them to do: lock in moisture without irritation. A good idea is to think of all natural high fat ingredients as good ingredients; for instance, an avocado face mask would be great for people with mature skin. For toners and astringents, go with a mild variation like an organic green tea and vinegar toner with glycerin, your skin will thank you and the humectant properties of glycerin will provide it with extra moisture. Remember, when weather permits you to use a moisturizer, find one that is all natural, organic, and high in fat and nutrient content. If you do not have sensitive skin, you are able to be more creative here if you want to use an oil based moisturizer or creamy lotion. If your skin is mature and leans in the direction of dry, oily, or sensitive skin, then go to those sections and read the tips for those types of skin and keep them in mind when setting up a skin care regimen. For instance, rose hip seed oil (rosa marquetta) is great for mature skin unless the mature skin is oily and sensitive in which case rose hip seed oil will likely cause acne. Mature skin loves fruit and honey masks so using one of these once or twice a week will be very beneficial to your skin. Exfoliation is a great to get rid of old and dead skin cells on mature skin, just make sure not to scrub too hard. Another way to improve mature skin is to smile more often. Not only do smile wrinkles look way better than frown wrinkles but smiling helps to maintain the shape of your face. If areas of your skin become too dry or too oily then treat those areas in the same way that you would oily or dry skin. As with all skin types, make sure to avoid excessive heat and make sure to protect your skin from sun damage by using sunscreen and UV protection.

Recommended Organic Herbs:



German Chamomile




Recommended Other Organic Ingredients:

Aloe Vera

Apple Cider Vinegar


Green Tea




Olive Oil

Vegetable Glycerin


To see more articles of this type, you can visit where you will find articles and organic skin care tips for all of the seven major skin types.

Tyler S. Ward
Giddy Organics

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