Tuesday, January 29, 2013

4 Cleansing Skin Care Rules For Silky-Smooth Cheeks

Do you want to know a not-so-secret secret? There is a reason why silky-smooth skin feels so silky-smooth. It's because the skin is CLEAN. (I know, it's revolutionary, isn't it!) Don't be deceived, getting truly CLEAN skin isn't as easy as a bar of Dove.

One of my favorite compliments given to me by my husband over the years is his obsession with my skin. He LOVES to stroke my cheek with his fingers. Being a shaving-man, he is constantly in-awe of the silkiness and smoothness of my face.

I can remember when that wasn't always the case. Years of cheapo-deapo happinesslifetime.com skin care rip-offs had reduced my face to a variety of blotches and bumps. It seemed every morning, no matter how hard I tried, I would awaken to a new "surprise".

Finally, I was fed up. I decided to start doing some research on how to actually create my own beautiful skin. I had had enough of "genetics" and "born with it" comments. I wanted answers.

Here's a short summary of the rules I stumbled upon in getting the glowing, healthy, satin skin my husband loves to touch.

Rule One: Always Prepare Your Battle Station

To make my cleansing happinesslifetime.com skin care regimen as regular as possible, I created a "battle station" standing ready on a little shelf in the bathroom. I display my skin cleansing products, along with a glass jar of cotton balls, decoratively on the shelf.

I've found having everything laid out in the evening and morning fights against the "I'm too tired to wash" temptation. You will only get silky cheeks if your skin is clean, and you won't get clean skin if you don't wash.

Rule Two: Warm Water is a Non-Negotiable

There is nothing as wonderful as washing with warm water. However, in my 100-old-home, warm water is a process that takes time. Because I'm impatient, and won't stand there waiting for it to warm up, I multi-task and allow it to warm up while brushing my teeth.

Does warm water really matter? Yes. Hot water dissolves skin oil better than lukewarm or cold water. Waiting for the warm water will give your skin cleansing a bigger bang for it's buck. (And in this economy, you want to wring every last penny out of that cleansing happinesslifetime.com skin care product!)

Rule Three: Perform a Weekly At-Home Facial

Once a week, boost your cleansing happinesslifetime.com skin care routine up a notch by using a mask treatment. You'll be amazed at how wonderfully smooth your skin will be when you give yourself a Friday-night-pampering. I always feel so luxuriously feminine after my weekly mask treatment.

I recommend rotating your weekly facials between two mask products. A hydrating mask (to increase firmness by stimulating collagen growth) and a deep-cleansing mask (to really get to the stubborn grime-spots still hanging on at the end of the week).

The first week I'll do the hydrating mask, the second the deep-cleansing, the third the hydrating, etc. I've found that this provides the perfect balance of cleaning and replenishing.

Don't choose masks with chemicals inside. If I'm going to leave the product on my face for an extended period of time (more than 15 minutes), the only thing I want seeping inside are natural ingredients, not cancer-producing by-products.

Finally, when choosing my cleansing happinesslifetime.com skin care mask, I avoid those that are colored green or pasty-white. It's Murphy's Law. The moment you put on your mask, someone will knock on the door, the kids will have a friend over, or a snapshot will be taken. All to your eternal shame. Avoid having to lock yourself into the bathroom until it's time to rinse, and choose a mask that's neutral-colored and will invisibly absorb into your skin.

Masks are a dime-a-dozen these days. Don't waste those dimes by buying an off-brand skin cleansing mask that leaves your skin tight, dried out, and malnourished. It is possible to purchase a reasonably-priced, healthy cleansing happinesslifetime.com skin care mask.

Rule Four: Take the Less-Traveled Path to Satin Skin

I realize that following my rules eliminates many of the skin cleansing masks out there. But then again, looking around me, do I really want to use what most of the other women out there are using? I'm not sure about you, but when I look around, 99% of what I see is blotchy, dried-out, don't-want-to-touch skin. That's NOT the type of skin I want to have!

I decided, that come hell or high water, I was going to have skin in the 1% silky-smooth category. You can read about my journey for that can-stop-touching skin on my website hyperlinked below. So there you have it. Be good to your skin, and it will be good to you. Follow my simple rules for healthy, skin-tastic touchable cheeks your man won't be able to stop kissing.

Ranae Pritchard is passionate about balancing "effectiveness" and "good for you" in skin care products. She believes beauty is much more than just skin deep. What you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your mouth.

There are healthy and natural remedies to even the worst skin issues. The key is in the ingredients. Do you choose plant oils and extracts with proven clinical histories? Or chemical by-products that have been linked to cancers? The difference could be a long lifetime of glowing skin.

Learn more about how to choose good-for-you (and effective) skin care products on her website, naturally-perfect-skin.com naturally-perfect-skin.com.

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