Monday, January 7, 2013

Skin Care - Natural Products Or Synthetic - Which Are Better For Your Skin?

When it comes to skin care products, you can't really believe what have been said in the advertising or promotional package. The debate as to whether products containing all natural ingredients are better than those containing synthetic ingredients still rages on. We constantly witness companies battling each other by publishing testimonials and marketing campaigns claiming that they have the best products. It is the consumers who often find themselves lost in the midst of the battle and never-ending marketing messages.

Over the last decade, skin care companies are spending millions of dollars in research & development and marketing campaigns in the hope to gain competitive edge and market shares. But the six-million-dollar question "are skin care products containing all natural ingredients better than those containing synthetic ingredients?" remains unanswered.

With all the money and efforts spent on research and marketing campaigns, the quality of skin care products are improving but such improvements also result in more expensive cleansers, moisturizers, masks, exfoliants, shampoos and other cosmetics that claim to work magic on your skin. Ultimately, it's the consumer who will pay for all the expenses spent by these companies.

One issue about the term "natural" is the fact that the federal government has yet to finalize its definition, guidelines and regulations that govern its use. As a result, skin care companies and marketers are free to use and manipulate the meaning of the word "natural".

For example, many skin care products claim that they contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera and vitamin E, but what they are not telling you is the process used to extract these natural substances often utilize synthetic materials. Also, many skin care products contain both natural and synthetic components like preservatives and stabilizing agents used to help prolong shelf life. These products also claim that they are natural products as they contain natural ingredients as well.

Another big issue of skin care products that contain natural ingredients is the potential for an allergic reaction. If you are the one who is susceptible to food allergies, you might also experience allergic reaction when applying products containing plant extracts on your skin. Skin care products that contain plant-based substances often cause skin irritation for those who have sensitive skin.

I know people who can't use natural skin care products at all, their skin are extremely sensitive to natural ingredients. If you are like these people, the solution is to consume supplements that have similar ingredients. If your skin can't take it, consuming supplements containing antioxidants and vitamins can be extremely beneficial to your skin. Because our body is very efficient at processing natural foods and using the blood stream to transport these nutrients to the skin.

If you want to have a step-by-step actions and scientifically proven way to care for your skin without using expensive skin care products, check out our Skin Care Guide online.

You can also download a FREE report: Facial Skin Care Secrets. This little report is packed with lots of great skin care tips. Go and download it at

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