Monday, March 10, 2014

Real Skin Care For Men

Tell me does this describe you? To some men skin care includes wash and shave. Slap on some after-shave or cologne and out the door. Even companies that specialize in skin care for men seem to think that men don't know how to properly care for their skin's health. Maybe they don't. But, if you are a man that's willing to learn, here are some of the things that you need to know.

Use mild cleansers, with natural ingredients like tea tree oil, manuka honey, colloidal oatmeal or goat's milk. Hang a mirror in the shower and shave after the steam has had a chance to soften your beard. Always use a shaving lubricant. Look for natural non-foaming ingredients like grape seed oil. Even plain olive oil works pretty well. Keep a bottle of witch hazel handy to treat shaving nicks and scrapes.

To many men skin care moisturizers are things that their wives and girlfriends use. They don't recognize the need for them. But a good moisturizer is an important part of skin care for men and women. You should use it every day, after you shave. If it contains the right ingredients, one of which is witch hazel, it will prevent redness, razor burn, irritation and inflammation.

Any cleanser, regardless of how mild, strips natural oils that protect the skin from damage. Those oils are called sebum. Some moisturizers are more closely related to sebum than others.

Cheap moisturizers designed for skin care for men contain petrolatum or mineral oil. Those are not similar to sebum. They are not actually moisturizing. They leave a greasy feeling and a shiny look.

The better moisturizers contain glycerin. It's an "okay" ingredient, but it's not the best. There are just for men skin care solutions on the market that contain an ingredient called Functional Keratin. It is five times as effective as glycerin for restoring lost moisture. It is also an effective anti-aging compound that inhibits inflammation.

Inhibiting inflammation should be a part of skin care for men, because shaving causes inflammation. Inflammation contributes to cellular aging and eventually damages elastic collagen fibers. Your skin will sag as it loses its elasticity.

Functional Keratin also stimulates skin cell production. This is important, especially if you are over the age of 30, when production of new cells begins to slow down.

If you have any sun damage, look for just for men skin care solutions that contain coenzyme Q10. In recent clinical studies it was shown to reduce roughness and wrinkles by over 30%.

Avoid products that contain artificial preservatives, like parabens. Natural vitamin E is an effective preservative and is good for your skin's health.

In conclusion, a complete approach to skin care for men would also include a good nutritional supplement. Nutrients that are specifically beneficial to the skin's health and appearance include beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin C is also important. It is a necessary co-factor for producing strong collagen. One of the better supplement companies also makes the best line of just for men skin care solutions. You might want to give them a try.

To learn more about vitamins for healthy skin, and other incredible substances you've probably never heard of, visit my website today.

Laurel is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research:

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