Thursday, March 13, 2014

Do Men Need Anti-Aging Skin Care, Too?

We almost do not hear men's skin care issues because the media focuses more deliberately on women's. But just like women, men get wrinkles, pimples, dry and oily skin, and even skin cancer, too. So men do need aging skin care, too.

Although most men still try to grip on these skin care issues, the aging skin care industry made itself most easily accepted to the male population. Both males and females equally desire to look young and maintain their youth. But men who give much attention on their skin are often accused of being homosexuals. For some people, a man's pursuance for youthfulness is being less masculine.

Being a metrosexual or a man that is conscious of his looks, does make a lot of sense when it comes to discovering aging skin care treatment for men. The attempts of researchers to determine the differences in premature aging in men and women helped them discover helpful things against skin-aging. It was also found out that women's skin age faster than men.

Men have this superior collagen production and retention than women. They start out with greater amounts of collagen and elastin in their skin and loose it at a slower rate. Although skin-aging happens for men in much the same manner as it occurs for women, a man's skin ages slower than a woman's. But that does not mean they don not need aging skin care regimen.

In women's case, the biggest contributors to premature aging are overexposure to sunlight and smoking; so as in men. But knowing that these contributors can be prevented through serious controlling is already a relief. Other factors like poor diet, stress, and general disregard and neglect of the skin also contribute to premature aging in men.

As the saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth much more than a pound of cure" , taking good care of the skin is the best way to avoid premature aging. Avoid overexposure to sunlight, do not smoke, use anti aging skin care product, exercise regularly, eat right, and drink plenty of water.

Do men need skin-pampering, too? Know more about anti-aging skin care and anti-aging skin care treatment and be that man with perfect skin!

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