Monday, January 13, 2014

Skin Care - How To Care For Sensitive Skin?

If you have skin that is susceptible to quick irritation, you may be having sensitive skin. Those with sensitive skin experience redness, dryness, burning or stinging sensation after application of products. Sometimes sensitive skin is associated with conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, etc. People with sensitive skin need to take special care of their skin. Some people have more sensitive nerves below the skin and get sensitive to most of the products they use. They may also be sensitive to quickly get atopic dermatitis, hives, and allergies on the skin. These conditions in turn will make the skin more sensitive.

Sensitive Skin- Care

If your doctor cannot identify any immediate condition, such as rosacea, etc., that makes your skin sensitive, then your skin may be called sensitive compared to other people. You have to take care in use of cosmetics and protect yourself from extreme weather and other elements.

1. Don't use any product on the skin without a patch test.

2. Avoid cosmetics with ingredients that can cause dermatitis.

3. Avoid irritating cosmetics.

Cosmetics For Sensitive Skin

Many times your skin becomes sensitive because of some skin problem. Rosacea, dermatitis, etc. make the skin sensitive. On the other hand many of you feel that your skin is sensitive all the time. You are afraid of using any product on your skin. What are the choices for people with sensitive skin in using cosmetics? Let us explore.

Any cosmetic that may cause an allergic reaction should be avoided. Latex and nickel are common allergens. Check if your cosmetics have any ingredient that may cause skin allergy. You may be knowing about what causes allergy to you. Before buying cosmetics, read the list of ingredients carefully and avoid the allergic products.

Use more of powder cosmetics. At least, you will be avoiding all the irritating liquids. Use cosmetics that contain minimum perfume. Look for the label- fragrance-free. Don't use any cosmetic that needs a remover. Most of the removers contain acetone, which dries the skin. Prefer water soluble cosmetics that can be easily washed off.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article. is a popular skin care guide where you can find a lot of information, articles and tips about acne, skin care, STDs, skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments, procedures, skin care products, etc. If you love solving quizzes and tests, visit funquizcards. Myspace users, click myspace comments such as compliments, cool comments, flirty, birthday, holidays, religion, funny, cute, etc.

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