Monday, January 13, 2014

Antioxidants in Skin Care Products - Do They Do Anything at All?

Antioxidants in skin care products. I'm sure you've heard all about how antioxidants skin care products are great for your skin, but I'll bet you don't know why. Lets have a look at antioxidants and skin care.

There are a number of reasons why skin ages and forms lines, wrinkles and crows feet around our eyes and mouth, and sags more than we would like. Age is of course the reason, but why does our skin become less healthy as we age, and what do antioxidants have to do with it? And why do antioxidants skin care products help?

As we age our bodies, and skin, are more and more subject to the ravages of what are known as "free radicals" which cause damage in our bodies generally, and skin. Free radicals are atoms with an electron missing. If you remember back to your chemistry days, if an atom has an electron missing it is unstable and will seek to re stabilize by regaining it's lost electron.

Free radicals are atoms that can be both created in your body, and skin, and also ingested when you eat food containing free radicals.

And these free radicals cause damage to our skin as we age by damaging the cells in our skin. And the actions of these free radicals can be neutralized by antioxidants, and the free radicals that damage our skin can be neutralized by good quality antioxidant skin care products.

Anti oxidants work by donating one of their electrons to the free radical so it is no longer unstable. And this does not cause the antioxidant to become unstable. So the free radical is no longer able to do damage.

And as a result our skin, and body, is more healthy. And this reduces the effects of age on our skin.

So where do you get those antioxidants from? The best source of antioxidants generally is from your food. Various types of fresh fruit and vegetables are packed full of good antioxidants, and so eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables is a great way of making sure you combat those free radicals. And antioxidants in food are good for your skin health too.

But if you're seriously interested in good skin care and anti aging, you need more for your skin. High quality antioxidants skin care products contain masses of good antioxidants that help combat those free radicals in your skin, and reduce the effects of aging on your skin.

However there are different types of anti oxidants in skin care products. There are many forms of anti oxidants, simple Vitamin C is an anti oxidant, but not all are created equal. Most antioxidants will donate one electron to neutralize one free radical. So you need lots of anti oxidants in your skin care products to combat the free radicals.

However modern skin care science has developed new antioxidant skin care products that contain antioxidants that can combat millions of free radicals. These ingredients are much more expensive than those normally found in most big brand skincare and anti aging products, but are much better for your skin. Most of the big brand name anti aging products contain relatively cheap antioxidants.

One of these ingredients found in the best skin care products is Cynergy TK. Cynergy TK contains powerful antioxidants and works dramatically better at neutralizing free radicals than skincare and anti-aging products with cheaper antioxidants. Cynergy TK isn't found in your regular big brand skincare products as it's very expensive, but is used in the world best skincare products.

So if you're looking to combat the effects of aging one of the things you must do is to add to your body's, and your skins store of antioxidants. Top quality antioxidants skin care products containing Cynergy TK will do it very successfully.

Want to know more about the best skin care products with Cynergy TK? available? Visit Peter's Website Natural Health-Natural Skin Care and find out more about Organic Skin Care Products at

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