Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Healthy Acne Skin Care Habits

Dealing with acne, a condition that aggravates the skin, can become a daily challenge; a challenge that can lead to feelings of embarrassment, discouragement, and anxiety. However, implementing appropriate and healthy acne skin care as part of a daily routine can help to fight against existing acne and control or minimize any future outbreaks.

Acne is a skin condition that derives from the production of excessive oil leading to blocked pores. The appropriate washing of the skin is one key step in handling acne outbreaks and decreasing the amount of oil held within the skin. Some people mistakenly believe that scouring the skin can help in eliminating acne.

Rather, appropriate skin care depends on washing the skin gently, twice a day, with a mild, doctor recommended cleanser. Careful and thorough rinsing of the skin, after washing, is important to ensure that no cleanser is left on the skin.

A doctor or dermatologist can recommend a topical over-the-counter acne medication or a prescription strength acne medication as part of a healthy skin care regime. Doctors also recommend the ongoing monitoring for moderate or severe acne cases. Combining an effective acne medication with ongoing treatment with a dermatologist can prove successful in controlling acne outbreaks.

For women, choosing appropriate cosmetics is a fundamental part of a healthy acne skin care plan. Many cosmetics contain oil and can lead to clogged pores, which can increase skin irritations and blemishes. When it comes to choosing moisturizers or makeup, all products should be oil-free and noncomedogenic. Noncomedogenic products discourage the closing of the pores and mitigate the build up of oil beneath the skin.

For men, shaving during an acne outbreak can be a daunting task. Washing facial hair with soap and water before applying shaving cream can soften the hair and ease the chances of grazing the irritated skin with the razor. The type of razor chosen depends on the individual, but shaving as a part of a plan should always be done gently and only completed when absolutely necessary.

Hair products can also trigger possible acne outbreaks. The oils in the hair follicles, as well as the products used to cleanse the hair, may only serve to hinder acne skin care. Oil-free products should be chosen to lessen the chances of further outbreaks.

Many people feel that obtaining a suntan can alleviate acne outbreaks. In actuality, the sun will only serve to mask the outbreak temporarily. Many of the prescription acne medication cause the skin to easily burn in the sun. A suntan may lessen the appearance of a blemish but poses a much larger risk to the skin through premature aging and the risk of developing skin cancer. Ultimately, a suntan does little to help skin care.

Living with acne outbreaks can seem frustrating and at times insurmountable, but having an acne skin care plan in place can minimize the anxiety and stress of dealing with an outbreak. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, working with a dermatologist, and sustaining a consistent acne skin care regime can help to manage acne breakouts and minimize future occurrences.

For more information on acne, try visiting [], a website that specializes in providing acne related tips, advice and resources to include information on the best acne skin care [].

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