Monday, December 30, 2013

Skin Care Tips For Teen and Pre-Teens Skin care for teens and pre-teens can seem to be an uphill battle.  Changes in hormones, sun exposure, lack of hydration and keeping skin clean are several of the main issues that can lead to blemishes, acne, rash, sunburn and dry skin. Hormonal activity, in particular, can bring significant changes to a teen's skin. A few tips and precautions can help maintain your teen's natural glow and beauty for a long time to come and provide adequate sunburn relief from overexposure.

Keep well Hydrated and eat a Balanced Diet


Water is your best guard and helps to flush-out many toxins from a poor diet, soft drinks, or oil and grease build-up.  Additionally, fluids are help replenish and improve health of dermal cell membranes.  Sports, heat, sweating and outdoor activities - especially during the summer - can leave teens dehydrated...a poor conclusion for both their overall health and their skin.


Intake of a balanced diet will directly reflect on overall skin care health. Junk food and soda drinks can lead to acne flare-ups and increase salt content - leading to increased dehydration and poor skin health


Cleansing, Moisturizing and Sun Protection


Opt for a facial cleanser that will keep pores clear and aid in the reduction of sebum (skin oil) production. An herbal cleanser will often avoid rash, dry skin or allergies, and many are effective at reducing blemishes, while effectively cleansing.


If needed, a moisturizer, lotion or toner. Even oily skins need some kind of hydration. So opt for a hydrator or an oil free, hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic moisturize. Most moisturizers also come with built in SPF which offers both hydration and protection from sun damage.  Sun damage is known to increase skin problems, so protection is important.


Always adhere to the rule of sun protection for one of the best tips for skin care. Wear sun screen religiously, especially of your teens are active in outdoor sports.  My daughter is outside probably 50% of the day - even with a hat and protective clothing it is common for her to become over-exposed - with the whole family helping to provide sunburn relief. An SPF of 15 to 30 is ideal and generally safe. Furthermore, wearing protective clothing can enhance sun protection, but its not a panacea.


Dealing with sun protection during the teen-phase will not only protect skin but also delay the signs of aging as children reach early adulthood.  If skin becomes burned, look for adequate sunburn relief.  Many products are formulated with Vitamin E, Aloe, and Emu Oil to rehydrate the skin while providing temporary relief from burns.


Abstain from Smoking


I guess its fair to say everyone understands the harmful effects of smoking - especially teenage smoking.


Smoking is one of the worse things for skin care -  it scavenges on the youthful glow of your skin. It can be the prime cause of pre-mature skin aging as it can break down the skin collagen, the essential skin protein. Studies reveal that smokers have reduced collagen and elastin production and therefore their skin often looks dull and wrinkled.


Skin tends to wrinkle much faster in smokers as compared to non-smokers. Skin loses its ability to renew itself and develops a yellowish tone and many bio-chemical reactions begin to occur in the skin which makes it look wrinkled, lined and dull over a couple of years.

Skin Energizer is one of the leading skin care stores on the web! Skin Care, skin care products, targeted solutions - anti wrinkle, anti aging, acne, antioxidants, rashes, cellulite, spider veins, and sunburn relief.

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