Thursday, November 21, 2013

Amazing Skin Care Tips - That Will Change the Way You Look at Things Forever

Here is a wonderful skin care tip that changed forever the way I looked at things. It is that our skin "ingests" everything that is applied on it topically. This made my eyes wide open towards the ingredients that were present in the skin creams and lotions that I was using.

There are many more factors that come in the picture when we look at things in this parlance. Some of them are environmental pollution, our surroundings and UV-A rays present in sunlight. All these also should be avoided as much as practically possible.

It implies that whenever you apply any skin care product on your skin topically, the active ingredients find a way ultimately to your blood stream. Thus, they also affect your health in a similar fashion as the food that you consume in the morning, noon and night.

Here are a few skin care tips to help you achieve skin rejuvenation and anti aging in the most natural and effortless manner -

1) Keep a close eye on whatever you are topically applying on your skin. Why I am repeating this skin care tip is because even though the harmful effects of synthetic chemicals are scientifically proven, they still find widespread use in a majority of skin care products.

Would you like to consume harmful and dreaded synthetic chemicals as food? Definitely NOT. Then make sure that harmful chemicals like parabens, fragrances, mineral oils, dioxanes and alcohols are not present as ingredients in the skin creams that you apply on your skin.

Let us look at the big hazards that they pose on not just our skin, but on our overall health.

The biggest culprit is parabens. They are the first love of the skin care product manufacturers as they are among the cheapest preservatives. In other words, they improve the shelf life of the products. For manufacturers, they mean fatter profits, but for you as a consumer, they mean skin allergies, rashes, irritation, interference in endocrine system and also cancer!

Similarly, the other harmful chemicals and substances are also proven to cause various fatal problems for our skin and overall health.

2) The second skin care tip is to use products with natural ingredients. And also make sure that these are contained in adequate specific quantities in the products, not just in small quantities to mention their names on the labels. Look for ingredients like natural oils, moisturizing oils, vegetable-based waxes, reparative proteins, antioxidants, vitamins and herbal extracts.

After a lot of research, I have discovered some amazing natural ingredients that are scientifically proven in their anti aging and skin rejuvenation capabilities. They are being used in the best elite skin products manufactured by niche skin care companies.

Some of these ingredients are Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10. The most unique role that they play is that they enhance the natural production of the youth giving skin proteins called collagen and elastin. And this gives a young, supple and elastic skin automatically as they are responsible for the skin's youthful appearance.

Visit my website to find our more of such useful skin care tips that are backed by the latest proven scientific developments. Also find out more of such amazing natural ingredients that you should look out for in the best skin care products and what harmful substances you should strictly be avoiding, so that you can achieve a young, beautiful and naturally glowing skin.

Nisha V Kumar is a Natural Healthcare Expert and a passionate advocate of natural skin care. Her website provides a wealth of information on what works and what doesn't work in Anti-aging skincare to achieve a young, beautiful and vibrant skin.

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