Friday, October 4, 2013

Sensitive Skin Care - The Truth Revealed

Do you suffer from sensitive skin? Have you been using sensitive skin care products, however they all seem to irritate your skin leaving it more irritated than before. If this is the case there are some facts that you need to know skin care you are using to solve your problem.

The majority of sensitive skin care products being sold on the market today contain ingredients that will not help to soothe or repair your skin. They might be making it worse.

Here are some tips on how to keep your skin safe from damage:

1. Know your skin type. There are three main skin types that most people will fall into one of these categories. They are oily, normal and dry. Try to find products that will work with any skin type to keep it healthy.

2. Cleanse your skin daily using warm water. Do not use hot water as this will dry your skin and cause it to become even more sensitive and prone to wrinkles. If your skin is very sensitive find a natural cleanser that will keep its naturally moist. Stay away from harsh soaps and any chemical products.

3. Sensitive skin needs to be properly nourished. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables which will provide you with antioxidants that will protect your skin from the harmful free radicals which damage skin cells.

4. Keep your skin properly hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day. Also try using a natural plant-based hydrating mask that contain natural ingredients. Your skin will thank you for this.

5. Try to avoid using harsh synthetic chemicals. Most of the skin care products available today do contain synthetic ingredients that are harsh and will not help your sensitive skin. Some of the more popular ones are: parabens, alcohols, mineral oil, dioxine, triclosan, fragrance and alcohol. Try to avoid these in any product you chose to use on your skin.

6. Use Natural Organic skin care products that have been tested and proven to improve sensitive skin. Products that are plant-based and which are safe to apply to your skin because they originate from nature will surely keep your sensitive skin rejuvenated and glowing.

However you should be aware that shopping for skin care products in any outlet will not do, as most of these products are filled with chemicals. If you should do some research on products sold in pharmacies and brand name stores you would be shocked at what you find.

First of all you should know what ingredients to look for in your sensitive skin care. These ingredients must pass the test by the ingredients they contain and these ingredients should be natural and safe enough to be eaten.

Let me give you a little synopsis on some of the ingredients you should look for in your sensitive skin care:

Phytessence Wakame: This is an extract of Japanese sea algae. It is widely cultivated and eaten in Japan for its health-giving properties and is also a well known beauty preserver. This is a must have ingredient in any sensitive skin care.

Avocado, jojoba and macadamia oils. These are all natural and essential oils that are capable of giving your skin deep penetrating moisture. They are all plant based ingredients and will provide your skin with many nutrients.

Cynergy TK: A very important ingredient as it helps to keep your sensitive skin firm and elastic. It helps to keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay thereby keeping your skin well protected.

There are so many other natural ingredients for sensitive skin care that I cannot tell you about them all in this article. However if you wish to learn more about them you can visit my website.

Ingrid Palmer has been using and researching natural skin care product for many years. visit her website for information on the best anti aging products she has researched and recommends.

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