Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Are All Natural Skin Care Ingredients? Or What's in Your Skin Care Products?

What's in your skincare products? Who really cares? If they work that's enough isn't it? Well no, because most big brands don't work and contain dangerous ingredients, and that's why people are asking about all natural skin care ingredients.

Is it a surprise to you that most skincare and anti aging products don't work? Is it a surprise that many big brand name skin care products, and cosmetics and personal and beauty and body care products contain dangerous ingredients?

Sadly it's true, and the FDA doesn't regulate it, so it goes on. One quick example. A recent study showed lead in over 50% of big brand name lipsticks. Lead.

And many of the ingredients found in mainstream skin care products and anti aging products and others are banned in Europe.

Can you see why so many women are now using natural skin care products? Are you wondering what natural skin care ingredients are, and whether they are safe to use, and work well? You're not alone.

The best natural or organic skin care products, anti aging products, cosmetics and beauty and body care products use naturally occurring ingredients that are known to be safe. The very best are made by a company that has evidenced it's commitment to product safety by signing the pledge from the Campaign For Safe Cosmetics to use only known safe ingredients.

Natural ingredients like Aloe Vera gel, extract from a seaweed in Japan known as Phytessence Wakame that has been used by Japanese women for centuries for it's skin health properties, and extracts from the wool of sheep that help the skin regrow it's own collagen and elastin. Or Babassu oil from the nut of the Babassu tree that has amazing moisturizing properties.

Or dozens, no hundreds, of other safe, effective, all natural skin care ingredients. You can find them all listed on the website of the company that makes the best natural anti aging products.

They work extremely well. So why wouldn't the big brands use these natural skincare ingredients if they work so well? Because they're expensive, and chemical ingredients are cheaper. They put most of their money into marketing with saturation TV advertising, whereas the niche natural skin care companies spend their money on product quality and compete with the big companies on customer loyalty. And the niche companies offer a guarantee so new customers can try risk free.

So if you're wondering what's in your skin care products why not find out? First check to see if the company that makes your products has signed the pledge at the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, and then go to their website and see if all the ingredients are listed there for you to see. And check to see if they offer you a money back guarantee.

Visit Peter's website to find out more about the best natural skin care products and find out more about natural skin care ingredients as well.

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