Thursday, July 11, 2013

Buying an Anti Aging Skin Care Product - Reasons Why You Should Choose Carefully

Let's face it, when it comes to buying an anti aging skin care product, it can get mind boggling trying to choose from the hundreds of products available. Manufacturers of anti aging skin care treatments know that people will spend ridiculous amounts of money trying to stay young-looking.

It's no wonder the cosmetic surgery industry is so huge. And we all know that buying a cream is so much easier than having cosmetic surgery, so this explains why anti aging skin care products bring in billions of dollars of revenues each year.

However, consumers of these products have a problem which is that most of the products don't work. There's a simple explanation for this. Many companies spend tons of money on marketing these anti aging skin care products to you and me but not nearly as much money on anti aging research.

Before you get discouraged, remember that there are some really great anti aging skin care treatments on the market as well. I want to help you out by giving you some tips on how to choose these quality products.

Tip: First, you should avoid products with fragrances in them.

Manufacturers know that people want to smell nice, so they'll add fragrances to their anti aging skin care products to enhance their appeal. Well there's nothing wrong with smelling nice except that fragrance chemicals contain toxins. Rubbing toxins onto our skin, which are then absorbed into our bloodstream, can cause long term harm.

Stick with perfumes or body sprays if you want to smell like a rose. With these sprays, you're not massaging the fragrance into your skin. You're getting the smell from one or two quick sprays, unlike with a cream, where you're massaging into a larger area of skin.

Tip: Next, check for collagen on the product label of your potential anti aging skin care treatment. If you see it listed, don't buy the product.

You probably understand that the breakdown of collagen in our skin is the reason our skin starts to age and sag. So, naturally you would conclude that an anti aging skin care product that contains collagen would stop and reverse this process. This is what the manufacturers want you to believe.

Here's the truth. Scientifically it's been proven that our skin cannot absorb collagen because the molecules are too big. Therefore, the only anti aging skin care treatment that will work is one that contains clinically proven ingredients to stimulate your own body to produce more collagen itself.

Now, let's go over why most of these products are so expensive as well as ineffective.

Businesses know that without great marketing, sales aren't as high as they could be. This is one reason most anti aging skin care companies use up the majority of their budget on marketing. Most of the funds are used for marketing, not leaving very many funds available to make very high quality anti aging skin care products.

Companies have several tricks to persuade people to buy their products. These companies pay celebrities tons of money to endorse their anti aging skin care treatments so people will buy them. They appeal to the consumer by putting their products in beautiful, fancy containers, and they spend a fortune running full page ads in magazines or on TV.

Here's a good example: the Jessica Simpson Proactive commercial. This company most likely pays Jessica Simpson millions of dollars to endorse their products. In order to make up for that, they must have a higher markup on their products.

All of these facts firmly convince me that it's actually the smaller, unknown companies that research and produce the high quality, extremely effective anti aging skin care products.

By forgetting about celebrity endorsements and full page ads, these smaller companies can spend most of their money on research and development instead of marketing. And as a researcher of skin care products, it's my job to find these companies and their products.

In conclusion, search for an anti aging skin care treatment that has proven collagen-stimulating ingredients made by a company that spends very little on fancy marketing, and you will most likely have a winner.

Haley Hensley is very passionate about natural skin care and is dedicated to finding quality skin care products. Visit to learn about the quality skin care products she recommends after extensive research.

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