Friday, May 10, 2013

Top 7 Natural Skin Care Tips

Appearances are everything in this day and age. Not everyone wants to use Botox or collagen injections though. How about a more natural approach to skin care? Because you can still get glowing skin that gets compliments without having cosmetic surgery or having injections. Without further ado, here the top 7 natural skin care tips:

Reduce your stress levels

Stress is one of those hidden factors that has a negative effect on your skin. It can cause premature wrinkles and aging. Sex is a natural stress reducer. Have more sex to help with your stress levels.

Use sunscreen everyday

More and more research comes out all the time about the benefits of protecting our skin from the sun's UVA and UVB rays and the importance of sunscreen. Use sunscreen everyday even if you're only going for a quick trip to the grocery store. Add a hundred or so short trips to the store and you have a hundred extra hours of unprotected exposure to premature aging.

Get to know your skin

With all the skin care products on the market you need to make sure you get one that is going to be compatible with your skin. If you have oily skin, get one with active ingredients that do not irritate oily skin.

Drink water

Without proper hydration, your skin can become puffy and start to sag. This is opposite of what most people believe. So if you want to get rid of puffy eyes, drink more water. Add some lemon juice to give it a little flavor if the taste of water is too bland for you.

Use a natural cleanser to clean your skin

There are hundreds of cleansers out there that claim to clean your skin and some of them work well. The downside is that they sometimes have harmful cleansers that can have lasting effects on your skin. Check out for a natural cleanser that removes dirt and makeup without damaging your skin.

Eat healthy

Antioxidants help eliminate free radicals from the body which damage your skin. Foods rich in antioxidants are blueberries, goji berries, pomegranates, and red wine to name a few. Add some of these to your diet to help promote healthy skin from the inside out.

Bonus tip: Don't forget about exercising 2-3 times a week to help with stress and your overall health. This is in case you didn't want to reduce your stress levels with tip 1 above.

Take care of your skin. You can do more damage than good by using too many skin care products all at once. Lasting results take time. These 7 tips are just some of the ways you can start taking better care of your skin.

Chris Campos offers free natural skin care tips on Right Anti Aging. Learn how to get healthy skin, look and feel younger, and improve your longevity naturally.

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