Friday, March 7, 2014

Choosing the Right Type of Skin Care Medication For You

Choosing the right type of skin care medication for you is critical in ensuring long lasting beautiful skin for yourself. Our skin is the first line of defense for our body against any external agents. If your skin is smooth and unblemished, you will feel beautiful and naturally feel good about yourself. However, if you have badly blemished skin, you will tend to feel self conscious and uncomfortable about yourself. Thus, using the right skin care medication is key to achieving flawless skin today.

There are a plethora of skin care medications available in the market today. However, you need to exercise caution when using these medications as many are placebo type creams that promise beautiful skin but in fact give nothing. So how does one know what are good skin care medications and what are not?

There are so many skin care medications these days that it has become difficult to remember the different types of brand names and products. One of the ways to identify which skin care medications are good for you is by looking through the contents on the ingredients list attached on the package. Doing so will let you know which ingredients are used and whether or not you are allergic to any of them.

Functional keratin is one of the most important ingredients of skin care medication. Keratin is a type of insoluble protein that is found in most animals, and forms part of the epidermis, hair, skin and nails. It is obtained mainly through sheep wool and can be used to grow collagen and elastin. Keratin generally halts the skin's aging process and therefore is a popular choice for many. Thus, if you are looking for a cream to rejuvenate your skin, then look for ingredients like Functional Keratin in products for that effect.

Another important ingredient to look for when searching for a good skin care medication is Phytessence Wakame. Wakame is a kelp that is widely used in Japan. It is known for its beauty and youth enhancing qualities. Wakame has high quantities of calcium, iron and other minerals that are essential in making the skin firm and moist. Wakame also has a substantial quantity of vitamin B complexes that helps to fight aging and other skin related problems.

The third most important constituent to look out for is Coenzyme Q10. This enzyme is present in every cell and is responsible for keeping the cells energized. However, external factors like UV rays can cause depletion of this enzyme and hence, it is important to get this enzyme from other skin care medications.

There are also many creams available which fights a host of skin problems such as Retina creams, which are have extracts of vitamin A.

These creams are effective in removing dead skin cells. Retin A and isotrenenin are creams that can help one manage pimples and unblock pores effectively. Isotrenoin is also used as an oral skin care medication which helps one control over active oil glands. However, there are many potential side effects to this drug, such as liver damage and birth defects. So you have to ensure that you seek professional medical advice before consuming them, and do take more caution when using them on a long term basis. Skin care medications should only be bought from a doctor and certified pharmacy. Be sure to check the expiry date and the date of manufacture of the medication before using them. Also, try to switch to natural skin care medications if possible when dealing with simpler problems. Thus, choosing the right type of skin care medication for you is necessary if you wish to get good skin today. Click here to get free advice on how you can enhance the look of your skin. Ray A. Rubio is a skin care specialist providing advice on choosing the best wrinkle cream for you.

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