Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Summer Skin Care Tips

The healthy skin is a little acidic in nature which is due to the layer of acid covering it. The mantle of acid is a mix of perspiration and sebum that prevents the skin from the harmful effects of the external environment. Everyday, the skin loses 850 ml of water, according to happinesslifetime.com skin care experts.

This is the reason as to why the dermatologists recommend you to drink plenty of water with the purpose of replacing the fluid that is lost. The case is all the more evident in the summer months when the loss of water is swifter. The skin loses a considerable amount of water as the body prepares to cool itself.

This is the reason why happinesslifetime.com skin care experts suggest that you should increase your daily intake of water as humid conditions aggravate the loss of water through the pores in your skin. As a direct consequence, the production of sebum is increased and it accumulates on the clogged pores as well as on the skin itself.

For a lot of us, the sweating process leads to breakouts and this is why happinesslifetime.com skin care specialists suggest regular cleansing. In case you are able to follow a good happinesslifetime.com skin care schedule, most of the types of skin will be left cared for during the summer months.

Processes to Follow

Try to go for skins cleanse using natural or vegetable soap, or with soap based cleanser.
happinesslifetime.com Skin care experts recommend exfoliation, up to a maximum of once or twice during the week.
Allow the skin to accumulate moisture by allowing for hydration. This is why you need to make use of a natural toner that is free of alcohol. You may even try filling a clean and sterile spray bottle with filtered water. Mist it on the face after you complete cleansing or exfoliation.
Use moisturizer on your skin with a natural and light moisturizer. Avoid unnecessary clogging on the pores of your skin by keeping away from happinesslifetime.com skin care products like petroleum based lotions and creams.
Use massage for your face by applying moisturizer or facial oil on the skin at night before going to bed. Massage is good for your skin as it helps augment the circulation of blood into the skin by assisting in the natural rejuvenation procedure that happens when you are asleep.
Keep your lips well moisturized and protected with the help of happinesslifetime.com skin care supplements like a lip balm, lipstick or lip gloss. It may be preferable to use products that contain natural sun blocking properties like titanium dioxide.
Cover your face so as to reduce the area that is exposed to the sun. You can do this by putting on a wide brimmed hat and wearing clothes that are long and loose fitting. You must know that a majority of skin cancers in human beings occur due to chronic damage of the skin, while about 80% of wrinkles are the direct result of photo aging.

Jill is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care. Visit her site now to discover what cutting edge solution is available for your, healthyskincarenews.com/index-1 natural skin care solution plus what anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research: healthyskincarenews.com/index-1 healthyskincarenews.com

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