Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Easily Irritated Skin? Skin Care For Sensitive Skin

Is your skin showing signs of redness and irritation after you've used a particular skin care product? If so, you probably have sensitive skin. Some symptoms of sensitive skin include: tightening or tingling of the skin, unseen signs of skin discomfort; overreaction of the skin to things like stress, shaving; and drying and recurring irritation of the skin. Certain skin care products aggravate these symptoms. So if you're looking for tips on skin care for sensitive skin, read on.

If you have sensitive skin then perhaps it's time you change your skin care routine. Read the label of your current skin care product. Does it have "hypoallergenic" or "for sensitive skins" written on the label? If not, dump it. Before purchasing any skin care products, you need to look out for labels that overtly mention the fact that it is safe for sensitive skin.

Read the ingredients list. Products that contain alcohol, chemicals, additives, and other synthetic ingredients may aggravate sensitive skin, so choose products that have natural organic ingredients like aloe. All natural or organic skin care products can be found just as easily as those containing alcohol, so it shouldn't be a problem trying to find the right skin care product for sensitive skin in your local drugstores or department store cosmetics counter, or anywhere else that skin care products can be commonly found and purchased.

Now moving onto your skin care routine, it is advisable that you use a makeup remover before proceeding to wash your face. If you have sensitive skin, you should choose a makeup remover that is soap-free. Again, keeping the first point in mind, look out for products with labels such as "for sensitive skin" or "gentle on skin". These would probably be the better choice for your sensitive skin, but should you have any doubts, clarify them with a knowledgeable sales assistant of the cosmetic department of the store.

Once you've purchased that new makeup remover, what you need to keep in mind is do not use a washcloth to apply it to your skin. This is because washcloths can be abrasive on your skin, especially on sensitive skins, and tends to irritate the skin. Use a soft cotton swab instead. Apart from washcloth, there are other abrasives that you should avoid, such as exfoliating scrubs with granules, no matter how tiny they might be. These granules can be too hard on sensitive skin, and you'll risk irritating your skin more than exfoliating it. Consider a cleanser that contains salicylic acid instead to help exfoliate your pores.

It is important to protect your sensitive skin from sun damage, but some sunscreens aggravate sensitive skins so much that a lot of people decide to do away with sunscreen altogether. If you have especially sensitive skin, you should apply sunscreen daily to protect yourself from the sun, preferably with a minimum SPF of 15. Use a sunscreen that is a gel instead of an oil-based one, as it is less greasy. And to avoid skin irritation from sunscreens, use one that contains zinc or titanium dioxide as part of its ingredients, as these two are not absorbed into the skin unlike sunscreens that contain Parsol 1789, the chemical responsible for skin irritation in sensitive skins. Skin care for sensitive skin is relatively easy these days, especially when you can find a lot of information on how to deal with the problem online. However to be on the safe side, be sure to consult your physician or dermatologist before trying out the advice you come across on the internet. Click here to get free advice on how you can enhance the look of your skin. Ray A. Rubio is a skin care specialist providing advice on choosing the best wrinkle cream for you.

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