Sunday, October 20, 2013

Anti Aging Skin Care Guide - Look Years Younger

For any regime to be useful an anti aging skin care guide needs to be simple to follow and practice. It should not be complicated. No need to mix up a special mixture to apply to your face every day or anything like that. With this simple guide you will achieve younger looking skin for many years to come.

In this article I will also be talking about some very useful products that you could use as an anti aging skin care treatment but more about that shortly.

Most of us agree that tanned skin looks fabulous and a certain amount of sunshine is healthy. On the other hand too much sun causes a lot of damage to our skin causing us to look older. During the hottest part of the day it best to wear a hat for shade. Sunscreen is not recommended as it usually contains chemicals that cause our skin more harm than good.

So why is the sun good for us when too much sun is not? We have to have sun before our body is able to make Vitamin D. The function of vitamin D is to help make healthy bones and teeth.

Too much sun will cause damage to a component of our skin called Hyaluronan. Hyaluronan plays a major role in tissue repair so it is very vital to our skin in slowing down the aging process.

Moving on to anti aging skin care treatment. One of the most important treatments is to drink adequate amounts of water during the day. Generally we do not drink enough so as a result our skin is often dehydrated. Our body consists of over 70% water. It is important to drink at least eight glasses of filtered water,not straight tap water because it contains too many unwanted chemicals.

Diet is also very important. Lots of dark,leafy green vegetables. Preferably organic to prevent free radicals damaging our cells and causing us to show signs of aging. Dark,leafy greens help prevent this occuring.

If you follow the above anti aging skin care guide regularly you will most certainly maintain your youthful appearance. However for most of us it is a good idea to have more than just one trick up our sleeve. The answer is, an anti aging skin care cream.

Two of the components that keep our skin looking young and youthful are collagen and elastin. As we get older our body produces less collagen and elastin. The trick, as our skin starts to age is to use a high quality anti aging skin care treatment cream to assist our body in continueing to make collagen and elastin.

Not a bad idea is it? For this to be successful it is imperative to use high quality ingredients. i. e Some companies add straight collagen to creams. This does not work as the molecules are too large to enter into our skin. The only way collagen is effective is for your body make it`s own and certain natural products can assist in this process.

Some of these scientifically proven substances are Phytessence Wakame and Nannobelle Coenzyme 10 which will aid the body in building it`s own collagen and elastin. These substances will keep your skin soft and pliable, correct fine lines and wrinkles and even your skin colour caused by age spots.

I hope this article has been of use to you and prompted you to do further research on this subject.

Emily Rae is a dedicated researcher of Natural Health, Natural Nutrition and Natural Anti Aging Skin Care. To find her results on Natural Anti Aging Skin Care for the best wrinkle free younger looking skin please click on her Website:

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