Monday, September 16, 2013

Dry Skin Care Products - Finding the Best Dry Skin Care Product to Moisturize Your Skin

Many of us have experienced having unusually dry skin at one point or another in our lives. But if you're one of those who consistently have dry, rough or chapped skin in any weather, then read on for some guidelines on how to find the best dry skin care products for you.

Avoid skin creams or lotions that contain mineral oils.

Why? Because oils like petrolatum can clog your pores and lead to acne breakouts. There are many other types of oils that do an excellent and hypoallergenic job of moisturizing your skin -- mineral oil isn't one of them.

Look for a skin moisturizer, skin cream, or skin lotion containing optimal amounts of substances derived from olive oil, jojoba oil, and grapeseed oil.

This is because these plant-based oils have been clinically proven to deeply nourish and moisturize skin without leaving an icky greasy feeling. What's more, because they very closely resemble our skin's natural oils, there's a microscopic chance of having an allergic reaction to them.

Find a dry skin care product that is more than just a moisturizer.

The best moisturizing cream or lotion not only hydrates your skin, but nourishes and "feeds" it, much like how nutritious food keep you healthy. Natural, cutting-edge ingredients like phytessence wakame, Cynergy TK, and Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 in facial skin care and body care products do this amazingly well, without causing adverse side effects.

There are many moisturizers and dry skin care products you can choose from out there, and I hope this article will help you find the best one for you.

A company in New Zealand makes one of the most amazing dry skin care products: it moisturizes your skin AND rejuvenates it -- safely and effectively. Learn more about them and what their products do and don't contain at

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