Monday, January 21, 2013

Stop That Itch! Dry Skin Care Principles

Let's face it. Dry skin care is extremely important. If you have dry itchy skin, you know that it can just about drive you crazy. You try not to scratch because you know you will make it tender and sore if you do, but sometimes you just can't help yourself. Learn the principles of dry skin care and get rid of that itch!

Principle One: Dry itchy skin is often a symptom of an underlying disorder of the body. It is not always just skin deep, or a direct result of living in a dry environment. For instance, depression, anxiety, or an underactive thyroid gland can set off an itchy feeling all over. High blood sugar can also cause itching among diabetics.

Another common cause of dry itchy skin is as a side effect of medication or an allergy to it. So the first principle of dry skin care is to identify any possible unrelated causes and take care of them, preferably by improving the diet to treat the problems nutritionally.

Principle Two: Look for natural moisturizers in the products you buy that are effective in treating dry skin. One such dry skin care moisturizer is shea butter. It is practically identical in structure to the natural oils produced by normal skin. Shea butter is extracted from seeds of the shea tree. It doesn't leave the skin feeling greasy like some vegetable oils because it is absorbed quickly into the skin.

Shea Butter's emollient properties make it an extremely effective ingredient in skin creams and lotions. In addition to soothing dry itchy skin, it helps to smooth wrinkles, clears spots on the skin, and even helps minimize stretch marks. It contains a high percentage of nutrients that heal skin problems. Use it regularly to heal eczema, blemishes, wounds, insect bites, and more.

Another wonderful natural substance for the treatment of skin problems is aloe vera gel. It is found in the leaves of the familiar succulent houseplant. It has been used for thousands of years in healing remedies, and is even mentioned in the Bible. Laboratory research verifies that it is indeed a potent healer, valuable in any dry skin care regimen.

Principle three: Be consistent in treating dry itchy skin and before you know it, your aggravating itch will be a thing of the past. Like many other natural remedies, dry skin care products need to be used regularly for four weeks or so to see lasting results. Many skincare product companies produce a complete range of products that are meant to be used together. Consistency and discipline will help you overcome itching better than a hit and miss method of treatment.

Do yourself a favor and continue learning about dry skin care creams and lotions. Research the ingredients before purchasing any products. Some products on the market can actually damage your skin in the long run. Don't let this happen to you. By using safe, effective ingredients you can eliminate dry itchy skin for good.

Laura Tobin has been researching health related issues for more than eight years. She shares her research into natural skin care on her website To learn more about effective, natural ways to improve the quality of your skin, remove wrinkles, and restore a youthful appearance visit

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